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30psi 01-11-2006 09:35


Originally Posted by Dr Silvia
saying 'its just their job is like saying that the german officers of wwII are innocent of their crimes because 'it was their job''

If a police officer is asked to rape women, behead and torture their husbands and then smash their babies into concrete walls etc, then I'd agree but the comparison isnt relative. Last time I checked the police don't do this. They're normal people just doing their job. Seems silly to shoot the messenger.

I agree that their priorities are wrong it seems, but until you are a victim of a crime, then you will see the positive benefit of a policing system.

I've been pulled over for a dirty number plate, and a headlight out, the only one of which is relevant in my opinion is the headlight, but likewise, I'd be pissed off if I got my car hit (happened twice already) and couldnt read the number plate.

Pushing a copper into the lake is childish, not going to achieve anything, and goes to prove that there are stupid idiots out there that need policing and therefore wasting police time. Seems ironic to me.

Dr Silvia 01-11-2006 13:31

ok consider this..

A policeman who doesnt agree with the laws given to him can CHOOSE NOT to carry out his assigned duty, he/she has a minor power granted there.

A soldier refusing to carry out orders would have been shot.. theres quite a different price on disobedience there. in this kind of situation your body will start to goto survival mode and crushing a few skulls to save your own wont seem so bad. the people at the bottom end were manippulated with an iron hand. you cant say the same for our bobbies.

Adolf hitler, leader of the 3rd Reich, made certain people's lives hell because of their religion/race/political/sexual orientation.

Tony Blair, leader of the labour party wants to impose ASBO's on children of parents with bad backgrounds, basically people who dont 'fit' into his idea of a perfect world as far as anyone knows.

Now i'm pretty damn sure that NO-ONE has the right to punish innocent people. not hitler, not blair. I will let people make their own comparisons but i feel like the western world has become the thing it hated the most 60 years ago, and it certainly seems like we're going that way. Thankfully, since Blair was making these plans i've heard squat else about them, so lets hope he's had a bollocking from the relevant people and he's been re-educated, but the news caused such an outcry i wouldnt be surprised if they're working on phasing that one in gradually too, so we dont notice.

this rant may be poorly made out, no time to check it, i have to go out again now:rolleyes:
I will return

30psi 01-11-2006 13:52

Don't see why the above makes it acceptable to push an officer into a lake?

JackieFan 01-11-2006 15:07


Originally Posted by 30psi
Don't see why the above makes it acceptable to push an officer into a lake?

Lol, Touche!

adzs12 01-11-2006 16:38

I dont see why people are bickering about somone pushing a copper in a lake, Who gives a f**k:ghey

30psi 01-11-2006 16:42

I just stated my opinion that its pointless.

Since then its gone onto Tony Blair trying to turn the country into a dictatorship and all sorts lol.

Smashing up speed cameras is a good idea though, providing they don't spend more tax funds replacing them of course...

adzs12 01-11-2006 16:44

I didnt even bother watching the video, be nice to see rob turbo post iformation about his car etc rather than just the odd random video link in non s12 discussion:rolleyes:

PukkaSilvia 01-11-2006 22:05

Ive met a few decent police officers who try to help people. Unfortunately most down this way get kicks out of ruining peoples day.Its nice to see there day ruined for once :D

s13eater 02-11-2006 08:06

a bit of harmless fun i think and trust me you may get the odd good cop, but i know a lot of bastid cops, the power goes to their head.

Abunai S-12 Drifter 14-11-2006 09:11

ROTFL! That's what cops get paid for. To deal w/our BS... Lol. It would of been funnier if the water was deeper though.

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