Originally Posted by Japster
...oh yeah :rolleyes: - the baby! :p :-
Thanks for all of the nice comments guys! - She's now been named, and it's not quite as good as the above suggestion, but hey! - it's.... "Emily Louise Evans" - and yep, Lorna's looking a little slimmer now - she got even bigger (and i'm talking Hoo-j!) before the birth - was a 7lb 10oz monster!...
another ruddy girl though! :eek: - I'm never gonna win an argument (or get to use the bathroom) in my own house again! :rolleyes:
lol, nice name, but tbh 7lbs 10oz isnt a monster, they become monster at 3 when they start making there own choices, feels like banging head against brick wall tbh, my girl was 9lb 9oz and me boy was 9lb 1oz both are lil s**ts when they wanna be, good luck :D