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wacomuk 05-12-2006 17:12

i am a full time adult film star or porno star which ever you like, i do this through the week but at weekends i do male lap dancing, the club is packed out with woman every weekend cha ching!!

andy s12 05-12-2006 19:55

i was doing groundworks for about two and a half years but went back to collage to do brickwork . so im a student at the moment.:1la

Dez 06-12-2006 03:36

I'm an apprentice Motor Mechanic, nearly finished the course now tho:)

nots13 06-12-2006 10:19

Royal Air Force Electrical Engineer:rolleyes: sure beats having to work for a living!!!:D

Sharas 06-12-2006 14:06

Still a student, and working part time answering phone calls :D

umpkin 06-12-2006 18:00

since my last job change a few months ago, i am a welder still, in an engineering company, i make gates, and railings and various similar things for central and east london counsils. mostly one off jobs where some looon has driven into the gates and bent them up :/

jakezx 06-12-2006 18:52

i am a plasterer and have bin the last two years befor that was an apprentice bricky but never really took off got offered job plastering and enjoy my job. genrally worked on building sites since left school never bin unemployed would like to give it a go but can not live with out money and porn star sounds a good but hard job lol

PukkaSilvia 06-12-2006 19:32

I do race car preparation.in a months time this will include Formula 1:D . We have a few cars to look at in the next month before a particular one is bought..... All good fun:)

FLEXXX 07-12-2006 16:17

ive just got a new job which i start this weekend i will now be working in a snooker/pool club this now means that hopefully after clearing up some bills i will be able to start my s12 project :D

30psi 08-12-2006 11:11

Wahoo! I moved job 5 months ago, got approached by an old customer last week, 2 interviews later got a better job with more money, big pension and much more holiday :D

Its just occurred to me that I am now earning 4 times the amount I was 7 years ago :eek:

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