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Strong-Soul 01-11-2007 01:18

You Are Not Insured If You Do Not Declare Your Mods! You Have To Go To An Insurance Company That Does Special Mods Insurance. Trust Me If You Have An Accident And Injure Someone You Could Face Some Very Severe Concequences! Try Sky Insurance

PukkaSilvia 01-11-2007 07:43

cheer up people. this thread is completely jobsworth

mr_turbo 01-11-2007 10:11

lol was just curouisly asking wot people pay lol!! not a despressive discusion lol

wacomuk 01-11-2007 12:04

a mate of mine had a phone call from his insurance asking him if he wanted to insure his alloy wheels and body kit. Someone had took a pic of his car at a retro ford show with the REG plate in full view, The insura had seen the pic (while checking forums) checked his REG againsed there records ARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!


30psi 01-11-2007 12:24

Surprising they go to these efforts, but if you were an insurer you'd want to know if the policyholder is more likely to make a claim (be it stolen or accident).

mr_turbo 02-11-2007 07:39

has anyone got sky insurances number?

JackieFan 02-11-2007 09:29

Google did ;)

Sky Insurance
56 Southbury Road,

Telephone: 0870 11 21 759

Facsimile: 0208 364 5449


mr_turbo 02-11-2007 17:49

haha fanx

mr_turbo 06-11-2007 16:11

HAHAHAHA they couldnt quote me said im too young! im 22 with a years no claims lol even thou they insure my friend on a 599bhp single turbo supra n his 23! unreal insurence companys are pants!!:mad:

JackieFan 06-11-2007 16:33

Try A-plan, they've been quite good for a few of my mates in the past.

Couldn't be arsed to google their phone number for you but it's on there..... I promise ;) (it's the Thatcham branch you need to talk to)

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