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JackieFan 21-01-2008 10:24

List so far...

James H

Let's keep this going for another couple of days, it's looking good so far. Probably need a couple more to get the price down.

If you want to add you name, copy the list and tack you name on the bottom.

Mersyslide 21-01-2008 12:11

Do we have any idea on price?

JackieFan 21-01-2008 13:00

Not yet, I need to know how many we'd want to be making first. Once I have that then I'll work out a price. if everyone is happy we can go ahead with it, if not..... well..... we won't :)

I won't be making a profit so I can't afford for it to cost me anything to make them.

Mersyslide 21-01-2008 20:29

Where abouts would i have to pick it up from?

JackieFan 25-01-2008 09:37

Delivery can be arranged to suit but Hemel Hempstead is the most likey place for those who want to save shipping costs.

Anymore for anymore, I'll start looking into getting prices at the weekend, so if you're interested then nows the time :D

Mersyslide 25-01-2008 10:20

Delicery would be a defo for me count me in.

kylepiggy 25-01-2008 11:08

quite interested price depending

JackieFan 25-01-2008 11:49

James H

I'm hoping thats enough to bring the cost down to make this worth while.

I'll get back to you when I have a price, if there are anymore then just keep adding yourselves to the list.

rpettafor 25-01-2008 12:37


Originally Posted by JackieFan (Post 23398)
James H

I'm hoping thats enough to bring the cost down to make this worth while.

I'll get back to you when I have a price, if there are anymore then just keep adding yourselves to the list.

would it be an idea to work out the costs for a few amounts of bonnets, ie 5, 10 etc then u could post up the costs n we could badger more into goin for em:D

JackieFan 25-01-2008 13:25

Well if I put a price up for 10 units @£150 (hypothetical price here guys) and only 7 people want them that would mean that I'd need to up the price by £65 ish quid to cover the costs. Then of the seven that said they were 100% there maybe people that wouldn't pay £215 for the same item.

So I'll get prices to see how much it is to make the ones for the people that are interested and if it's to to much then I just can't afford to do it at the moment.

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