S12OC UK Forum

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kylepiggy 22-01-2008 21:15

i thought the S12 elbow wouldnt fit as it's 4 bolt and the S13 T25 T28 is 5 bolt ??

sideways danny 23-01-2008 05:17

well I've fitted them a few times and it's never caused an issue

kylepiggy 23-01-2008 08:42

cool that saves me some money im using s13 down pipe as the T25 was off the 200sx and had the dowpipe with it. i only had to shave off bout 4-6mm off the gbox lug and it fit fine. i am also using a s13 front pipe fits ok doesnt hit any thing just had to mod the middle section abit buy cutting the 2 bolt flange of and moving it back a bit. i have just ordered a 3" stainless front pipe with de-cat for the start of my system once on and modded i will post up

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