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zxocmars 16-06-2008 20:00

Thanks for the info Daz and everyone else

I went to try some of these ideas at the weekend, but my mate had decided to have a go for me and has stripped all the pulleys and belts off, so I'm just gonna leave him to it as I don't where he got up to.

haven't seen him this week to have a go at him - I hate it when people touch my stuff without asking. :trout

zxocmars 16-06-2008 20:00

oops, double posted.

30psi 16-06-2008 23:24

Does he know what he's doing? You can check the cam timing without doing things like that. Tell him to use a timing light next time :trout

zxocmars 21-06-2008 21:27

Put the bits back on today, churned it over with the pump disconnected in the boot, as advised earlier.

Connected it up again, and she fired but not on all 4.

Figured the plugs would be all fouled up so swapped them out for a shiny new set and all is good again.

Thanks to everyone for their advice, and hopefully the MOT will be coming soon.

No doubt I'll be back for more advice :o

s13eater 21-06-2008 23:26

nice one mate ;)

zxocmars 22-06-2008 17:15


need to get a timing light on it now, as it has a dead-spot as you try to rev it. :(

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