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-   -   Poly Subframe bushes (http://nissansilvia.co.uk//showthread.php?t=3322)

JackieFan 23-07-2008 09:26

Just a to let you guys know, I'd left the stuff with the engineering shop but haven't had a chance to go and pick it all up as I've been working away. Should have them back soon though.

I'll keep you posted.

umpkin 23-07-2008 17:59

nice one m8, cheers for doing this.

JackieFan 05-08-2008 18:16

I'll be Picking the first lot of these up on Saturday!

Just out of interest who would want a set? Price will be about £50 a set + Postage

rpettafor 05-08-2008 19:44

id be interested in a set:)

Rally Martin 20-08-2008 16:17

I just did this :p

JackieFan 20-08-2008 17:45

lol, that reminds me. I've not pickeed these up yet because the bloody Machine Shop has been closed at the weekend everytime i've been down there.

JackieFan 29-09-2008 16:18

Woohoo! Finally picked up the bushes!!!

Got two sets so far and can do them for £45 delivered (UK) if anyone is interested

If there is enough interest I can make more.

northerner 29-09-2008 19:18

Pics and does that inc the metal inserts ?1st dibs

ste00 29-09-2008 20:01

i'm interested... pics?

not going to claim dibs cause i can wait till u go into mass production and make millions from selling s12 subframe bushes lol

JackieFan 30-09-2008 17:31

I'll drop some pics on tonight for you guys.

Has anyone got a standard bush spare? (I've not got as far as striping the rear of either cars yet) I think you have to use the centres from the the originals to fit the new ones. If someone can send me a bush then I'll get some centres made if required, will push the price up slightly though

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