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Draconis 13-12-2008 06:01


Originally Posted by s13eater (Post 28284)
lol, if you remember ken, it was'nt so long ago they were posting about both our back lights, asking how we did them and asking to buy them, probley because they are so useless at doing anything.

You're talking about the older generation who are all but gone. There are only a handful of us who remember Silvia God and deeply admire and respect him. Most of the chaps you see now are all noobs who dont know what is up and think they know all. It has been quite a battle with the old gen trying to keep the new gen from being too retarded.

s13eater 13-12-2008 09:53


Originally Posted by Draconis (Post 28295)
You're talking about the older generation who are all but gone. There are only a handful of us who remember Silvia God and deeply admire and respect him. Most of the chaps you see now are all noobs who dont know what is up and think they know all. It has been quite a battle with the old gen trying to keep the new gen from being too retarded.

my appologies , it just seems mainly that julie seems to rub lots of people up the wrong way, there was a lot of money put into my blue silvia, epecially to push it over 300bhp and for her to say the ones that spend on there s12 because we probley can't afford a better car is total rubbish, i'd hate to think what i've spent over the years, truth is i don't like modern cars and i'll probley have an s12 until i'am drawing my pension lol.

gripo 13-12-2008 10:18

Sorry Shaun but I had to put my 2 pennies worth in and stick up for your old blue girl. Have posted on club s12 my opinion. ;)

s13eater 13-12-2008 10:28


Originally Posted by gripo (Post 28298)
Sorry Shaun but I had to put my 2 pennies worth in and stick up for your old blue girl. Have posted on club s12 my opinion. ;)

no probs paul,don't know why she owns an s12, it does'nt look like she does anything to it anyway,probley keeps chickens in it by the look of it.:D ,if she keeps spouting shit she can always be removed, (WHEN I GET BORED OF TAKING THE PISS)

kennyboy 13-12-2008 13:33

Drawing your pension

Originally Posted by s13eater (Post 28296)
my appologies , it just seems mainly that julie seems to rub lots of people up the wrong way, there was a lot of money put into my blue silvia, epecially to push it over 300bhp and for her to say the ones that spend on there s12 because we probley can't afford a better car is total rubbish, i'd hate to think what i've spent over the years, truth is i don't like modern cars and i'll probley have an s12 until i'am drawing my pension lol.

Not long then lol:D :D :D :1la

s13eater 13-12-2008 13:35


Originally Posted by kennyboy (Post 28304)
Not long then lol:D :D :D :1la

lol,about 3 or 4 months before you draw yours ken;) ;) :D .

kennyboy 13-12-2008 13:46

Lol cant wait mate, going to piss me self and eveything what you reckon eh :D :D :D My missus reckons i am a grumpy old bxxtard allready, dont know what she means lol, i fooking am not i say i fooking am not:p :p

s13eater 13-12-2008 14:59

lol, i know i am:D , its with living with to many split arse feckers.

gripo 13-12-2008 18:34

I'm feeling bloody old too!! Owned my silvia now for 12 years. At 32 they have said to me I can't retire from teaching until I'm 67!!!! Bloody Hell I must have been bad in another life! :rolleyes:

Draconis 13-12-2008 18:52


Originally Posted by s13eater (Post 28296)
my appologies , it just seems mainly that julie seems to rub lots of people up the wrong way, there was a lot of money put into my blue silvia, epecially to push it over 300bhp and for her to say the ones that spend on there s12 because we probley can't afford a better car is total rubbish, i'd hate to think what i've spent over the years, truth is i don't like modern cars and i'll probley have an s12 until i'am drawing my pension lol.

No mate, you are definitely right there. It has been known that she can rub people the wrong way. Yet that was a while back. She's much more personable now. She's changed a lot and is a really cool person. I've always been on good terms with her. So I would say, let the past be just that because things change as time goes by and as we get older. More experiences and those that occur at the time effect how we approach and think about things.

I understand about how much you've spent on your car. Hell, look at my car from when it first start. Not the cheap car that you just kick around because you're bored. And same here, I plan to keep the S12 till I go on pension and hopefully when I die, they can bury me in it or set me to sail and burn the car/me a whole.

Also, nice comment Gripo. I found it amusing over on Cs12. Anyway, I thought Chavv or Chav was like the Bosozuku style in Japan. Had nothing to do with class or monetary availability, just a style that you guys had for when styling cars. Apparently that's wrong so can you enlighten me?

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