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b5bytsilvia 15-12-2008 19:49


Originally Posted by s13eater (Post 28371)
i can't see the water temp sensor making it run that bad, i had a fuel reg reading 65psi, that buggered it up within about 3 miles, also the afm can make it tickover good and missfire when reved or tickover shit and run good when reved.

In that case its neither of them then...

Was to dark by the time I got there so I couldnt do anything.:ghey

b5bytsilvia 16-12-2008 14:35

Oh i forgot to mention, when the car does start for those few seconds it shakes like mad..

does this narrrow it down ?

s13eater 16-12-2008 16:59

timings no miles out is it ?

doski 16-12-2008 19:01

take the plugs out and clean them and put them back in again, and try starting her again. Plugs could be so coated in shit that they cant get clear.

im have had that prob in the past and also having it now with running my det motor in, as i have bigger injectors in and they naturally over fuel and as i cant rev over 4000 i can get them to clear when they foul up so have to take them out and clean and refit and it runs sound

b5bytsilvia 16-12-2008 19:23

Ok, Well Il be towing the car back my way tmorw, So I can check everything, just went past the car, seems someone has let the tyre down or slashed it :furious

btw, service parts, wheres best to get them from ?

Thanks for all your input people!


b5bytsilvia 20-12-2008 10:50

Can anyone direct me to the fuel regulator with a picture ?

Im still stuck ! :confused:

PukkaSilvia 24-12-2008 13:08

has the orange boost hose popped off the turbo that joins to the crossover pipe to the inlet manifold? or split...

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