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CNHSS1 08-01-2009 17:16

silencing a seperate EG exh is perfectly possible and common on some of the 80s serious Porsche and Audi race cars. look at using 2 stroke moped/small bike silencers as they shoudlnt be restrictive. also be sensible with the outlet. point it at the tarmac below the car and a lot of the noise is 'lost' as far as db sound meters are concerned. have it sticking out the bonnet or at the kerbside will only cause the track noise nazis to get uppity lol

sideways danny 08-01-2009 17:21

dont need to think about an external wastegate at that power IMO. FAR worse issues to think about first, like management/fueling (you'll need bigger injectors) intercooler, exhaust.

A T28 from an s14 on the standard manifold should do what you're after

CNHSS1 08-01-2009 17:27

yep agree with Danny, the fabrication aint worth the grief

CamInHead 08-01-2009 18:01


Originally Posted by CNHSS1 (Post 28709)
Its just a seperate exh from the wastegate itself to vent the extra gasses after the preset boost level has been reached. i think the yanks came up with the screamer term as once the ext wastegate opens the screamer pipe is essentially an unsilenced exh:eek:
ebay has loads of screamer elbows which arent the real deal (no performance advantage) they can sound a bit pants and often bugger up the idle/low speed running of the car. only way is a proper ext wastgate imho if you want to improve performance and reduce spiking

to stop them being loud, you can re-join the screamer pipe back into the main exhaust. best bet is to rejoin minimum of 5ft from the turbo though or itll be a restriction (two lots of exh gasses squeezed into one pipe straight after the turbo)

does that make sense? does in my head, but let me know and i will try and explain better:)

no I got that ;)

xxxadzxxx 09-01-2009 06:35

fueling is sorted, 444cc injecters, 255 pump and apexi safc all here and ready to go on, so is turbo and exhaust the next thing i should be doing. or have i over looked something?

CamInHead 09-01-2009 21:25

Yopu haven't mentioned intercooling (in this thread) yet ? :)

xxxadzxxx 09-01-2009 22:12

lol, cut a large hole in the bonnet and mounted a cooler there at 45 degrees

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