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sideways danny 15-01-2009 22:17

only difference between the turbos linked to is the size. They're both very low budget cheap copys. they're not good and my conscience wont let me not tell you they're shit and that you shouldn't use them

30psi 16-01-2009 00:16

Those turbo's are cheap nasty chinese rip off's.

The real GT3076R is about £900. So one thats new for 1/3rd of the price should tell you something about it. It will probably perform 1/3rd as good as the real thing.

xxxadzxxx 16-01-2009 07:38

well le me be the tes pilot for these turbo's before anyone else wastes here money, i'll do a review on the fitting, then the car will be dynoed and i'll post the print outs, and the next track is on the 14th feb @ elvington and i'll be thrashing the hell out of it, so hang on till then.

Also in my experience with chinese products (garage equipment) they are shite!!!!!! but in there defence if you are prepared to use it as a disposable item, there are a buget option but don't expect them to have a 1/3 of the life span

rob turbo 16-01-2009 12:57

so, as a silly question, what is the real difference in buying a cheap turbo to one thats nearly a K, lets say a GT30/35.. then, they all do the same job by basicly blowing air into the engine, can any one advise.. im looking at a cheap one myself..

paulsilv 16-01-2009 12:57

May pop down and see you at Elvington, not that far from me, would be good to see it in action and give another view on the fitment performance etc (although I'm no expert.):D

s13eater 16-01-2009 13:17


Originally Posted by rob turbo (Post 28861)
so, as a silly question, what is the real difference in buying a cheap turbo to one thats nearly a K, lets say a GT30/35.. then, they all do the same job by basicly blowing air into the engine, can any one advise.. im looking at a cheap one myself..

prbley the quality of the metal, casting, and assembly.

30psi 16-01-2009 14:34

The GT3076R spins up to 145,000 rpm.

So when you try to save costs, any imbalance on really cheap bearings will fail alot early than the finely balanced Garrett unit with much more expensive bearings.

The castings probably don't make much difference though unless they're reallllly crap.

sideways danny 16-01-2009 15:23


Originally Posted by xxxadzxxx (Post 28859)
well le me be the tes pilot for these turbo's before anyone else wastes here money,

been there, done that. expect to be burning oil pretty quickly at best.

paulsilv 21-01-2009 00:52

Interesting thread this, So in retrospect a well rebuilt standard T2 should outlast most cheap turbo's.

All secondhand turbo's to me all look like they could do with a good rebuild, what would be the cost of rebuilding DIY or having it done by a specialist???

Is it hard to rebuild a turbo???

Are there good and bad rebuild kits available???

irish s12 21-01-2009 01:13

Yes you can rebuild your turbo yourself,if you have the tools and the know how.
There are good and bad rebuild kits for everything,and don't believe everything that people tell you on ebay.
You would be very surprised how long a real garrett turbo will last,even with play in the shaft.
Never buy a cheap knock off cos they wont last past the first quarter mile.
The new gt garrett turbos are the dogs nuts and respond differently to the old t series.
Garrett is the only way to go.
There endeth the lesson that is about to be learn't

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