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tractor-boy 06-03-2009 22:25

Lucky man:) you gona spill the beans?

CamInHead 07-03-2009 19:48

No. At least, not yet.

gripo 08-03-2009 13:10

I'm gonna take the plunge with the ladyfriend and get another house, get silvia up and running and maybe put her up for sale then. (we've all heard me say that before!) and get my ass into one last athletics final before I retire from the sport and get put out to stud. :cool:

xxxadzxxx 13-03-2009 19:23

200 mph but i've been saying that for past 3 years. Maybe this is the year

PukkaSilvia 07-06-2009 12:39



30psi 07-06-2009 13:03

I like the way he takes another step and touches it again.

PukkaSilvia 08-06-2009 00:26

yeah. just making sure

s13eater 08-06-2009 07:50

indian kebab,plenty chili !

lmrdave 08-06-2009 08:34

My aim for 2009 was to make some gates so I can get my cars into my garage, I sorted that at the weekend, scratch built out of scrap mental :D

My new aim is to actually sort my cars out now I have no excuse (other than sod all money! :rolleyes: and which car do I start with!)

I'd also like to get out rallying again this year, even if it's just local 12 cars.

PukkaSilvia 09-06-2009 20:07


Originally Posted by Pukka (Post 29510)
What is your aim or ambition for 2009?

2008 was a cack year for me. I aim to open a bigger garage, get another s12, and move to a new rented house nearby with a garden

well i can tick off getting a bigger highstreet garage now. ive sorted that one out.

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