S12OC UK Forum

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NIZMAINIAC 04-03-2006 18:18

fair play , if you've spent time and money on doing it, why not try and make some back:)

adzs12 04-03-2006 18:40

Il take one asap aswell mate:D Top man for doing it;)

nissan_turbs 05-03-2006 13:58

Anyone that rips of your cd will get a slap from me :trout

Ill defo have one mate, top work.

FLEXXX 05-03-2006 17:25

il take one too just let me know when its ready and il post the funds through cheers mate

Dr Silvia 06-03-2006 17:53

okies tomorrow im gonna try an get it finished in one last go, thanks for your support peeps:) , guess i should start looking for the supplements now:D

GWtaylor 06-03-2006 19:24

I'll have one as well even though i don't have an s12 yet but it will make me more determand to get one. Just give the word when there ready mate


Dr Silvia 08-03-2006 17:56

No problem:) I have just finished scanning.. now i must arrange the pages prooperly and import them into adobe and index them.. Wont be long now peeps:cool:

Dr Silvia 09-03-2006 21:58

OK come an get 'em:D see the for sale section for the full low down

LX01UK 18-04-2006 16:12

Is it delivered on cd or via email? - Do you take cheques, or prefer penpal?

I'll take one please, Alex.

umpkin 18-04-2006 16:56

he sends them via CD royal mail, i paid via paypal, see for sale section for more details.

http://www.nissansilvia.co.uk/vbb/showthread.php?t=446 << here.

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