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Japster 14-05-2006 21:14


Originally Posted by peter rosenburg

I would like to make it known to you that these moulds are copyrighted.

I do not expect to hear of any unauthorised reproductions of any SE products.

Please see http://www.patent.gov.uk/copy/ for more details

Peter? - Did you forget to spell your name right? Hmmmm.... :rolleyes:

Something smells :trout ...

Plus - I doubt the real Peter w*nkenBERG wouldn't exactly post inflammatory responses in a forum where people he's ripped off literally want to rip his head off and sh*t down his neck (not to mention a few who would like a) their cars, or b) their money, back)

So you're either a) a bullsh*tting troll looking to wind people up, or b) a (possibly :p ) sexually confused car (de)tuner with a sudden attack of stupidity, and a hypocritical idea of what's morally and lawfully wrong or right, given their (lack of) business ethics... :nod

Any other input people?

(Oh, and if you ARE who you say you are, then don't worry - You won't *hear* of any "unauthorised reproductions of any SE products." - Least not from anyone here. lol! :D - we're all nice law-abiding peeps... :p )

PS - Where do you live, and where can we contact you, should we hear of any SE copyright infractions? - We're happy to help, as is Shaun I'd imagine? (Right Shaun? :D ) - Post it here and we'll do our best...

... to let everyone know... lol! :D

s13eater 14-05-2006 21:25

hmmm,yes japster, i was wondering where my paddle clutch disappeared to, seeing as i payed for one and got a clutch that slipped at 231bhp,:rolleyes: , maybe bob jones would want to know where his forged pistons went and why he did not get the mig wired block that he payed for, and the porting jobs that are no more than a quick polish.:mad: anyway p!ss off pete ya gret bumholer.lol.

Japster 14-05-2006 21:32


Originally Posted by s13eater
hmmm,yes japster, i was wondering where my paddle clutch disappeared to, seeing as i payed for one and got a clutch that slipped at 231bhp,:rolleyes: , maybe bob jones would want to know where his forged pistons went and why he did not get the mig wired block that he payed for, and the porting jobs that are no more than a quick polish.:mad: anyway p!ss off pete ya gret bumholer.

Lol! - Anyone else want to add summat? :D

Andy 14-05-2006 22:17

(S)pecial (E)dition Nissan Spoilers
Hi to all
I dont know whats going on! I do have the moulds,something will be sorted to all those interested


s13eater 14-05-2006 22:25

yes i'am still interested:D

nissan_turbs 14-05-2006 22:34

Nice try cock nose. Moulds for a spoiler wouldnt come under the grounds of copyright protection.

Also even if it was patented, it would no longer belong to you if SE is in liquidation.

s13eater 14-05-2006 23:01

i'am not sure, but i was told b4 for some reason you can't copyright fibreglass:confused:

s13eater 14-05-2006 23:06

i've got an idea:) , send 30psi down to maldon golf club where petes father plays golf and ask him where petes disappeared to,if he don't tell him, stick a sandwedge up his sphincter:D .

nissan_turbs 14-05-2006 23:33

Copyright covers; arts, literay, dramatic, published, recorded and broadcasted materials aswell as intellectual properties.

It does not cover moulds for spoilers, or any product for that matter. That would have to be patented. Even if by some chance Mr Spitefull had patented his wonderfull invention, if SE has gone into liquidation/bankruptcy the assests (patents) would be owned by the bank untill they are sold to repay his debts.

If the company never went bankrupt, then you are free to sue for your missing parts.

Dr Silvia 14-05-2006 23:41

just had a thought... as i see it the spoiler could not have been patented as it uses other peoples components (nissan, and bmw i was told) to make it... either way 'mr rosenburg' will not be returning

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