S12OC UK Forum

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s13eater 27-05-2006 22:54

what times everybody going? and where we all camping ? we need to be all close by for crawling distance.:D

PukkaSilvia 27-05-2006 22:57

Im going up Friday evening. The club stand is in Zone a so will try and get them close together.I dont know what time i will get there yet as i have work friday. Maybe i could reqwest i finish early.

s13eater 28-05-2006 02:00

i best take my police cones and keep some spacers, have we got an allocated space for the s12's.:)

RichardK 28-05-2006 09:47


I can finish work early on Fri so if you let me know what time you're going to get there I'll meet you and help set the stand up.

Do you need me to bring anything? Generator?

Oh balls, I best dig my tent out lol. Most likely coming up on my own this time.

PukkaSilvia 28-05-2006 11:23

Generator would be good Rich. Thanks

I suppose we can use the tv/Playstation like last time then. Its a something etc.

I will be digging the gazebo out tommorow and washing it. Apparently we are in ZONE A which is the untarmaced area :) so it should be good.

Fingers crossed on the weather now

s13eater 28-05-2006 12:31

oh yeah, zone A if only i'd read things first:o

s13eater 28-05-2006 21:47

make sue your generators diesel rich, as it says petrol ones are not allowed:rolleyes: and no glass bottles, good job wine is available in box's:D no load music:( ,no cam corders:( , no fartin, no eating,lol.

RichardK 28-05-2006 23:05

the generator is petrol mate. same one as at JAE. how cana diesel be allowed then cos they are much louder?!

s13eater 28-05-2006 23:18

don't know rich, just quoting what it says in there rules, rules are for breaking though,;)

adzs12 29-05-2006 14:07

Il be there be it friday evening or early saturday morning depending on work:ghey

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