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PukkaSilvia 20-06-2006 21:17

Japster is coming(Den)

FAO Adzs12 are you coming this time?

s13eater 20-06-2006 21:23


Originally Posted by Claire
I am hoping there will be a tv and playstation again this year. I might buy 'Twister' or something like that to play when we are drinking:D Does anyone else have any ideas?

Tow richard k around the field in his sleeping bag on the back of your car... this will make for a good game as we can all av a go:D

PukkaSilvia 21-06-2006 19:43

ive just paid for a 20 car plot.

Claire 22-06-2006 12:56


Originally Posted by s13eater
Tow richard k around the field in his sleeping bag on the back of your car... this will make for a good game as we can all av a go:D

Yeah I am up for doing that... sounds like it could be a laugh. Would be more fun if you did donuts though instead of just driving around dragging him along in the sleeping bag. I think we should use your car too :D :p

Ok the list so far is.....

Rob Turbo
Dr Silvia
Rickard K
+ me

s13eater 22-06-2006 17:42

7 s12's up to yet then, we need addz for his dancin skills and nissan turbs for his drinkin skills, come on lads lets see some more of you there, what about the purple one with the kit and dragon on it,there must be a few more that can turn up, even if its just for the day, its a good laugh and its very cheap.;)oh yeah and gaz, he's addz's dancin partner.the only thing that looks good on addz's is gaz,lol.

Claire 22-06-2006 21:53

Rob Turbo
Dr Silvia
Rickard K
+ me

PukkaSilvia 22-06-2006 22:29

Yep Saw adz this evening and we thrashed the s12s about for a bit. He is coming to Jae.Just been a bit busy lately.

reece 23-06-2006 20:18

I will be there in my s12 this year

PukkaSilvia 23-06-2006 20:44

Be good to see you again. Havnt seen your s12 in ages either. You have been very quiet............women spring to mind :rolleyes:

PukkaSilvia 25-06-2006 16:46

A couple new entries........

s13eater & family
Rob Turbo
Dr Silvia
Rickard K
Ken Finn
Gaz & Abbie (friend of mine who has mr2 last year)-.(not displaying)

11 s12s displaying so far.

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