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NIZMAINIAC 23-06-2006 23:11

it would be hard to put a price on something like that, at the end of the day with all the time and money spent on it , it's down to what one individual is prepared to pay for it, personally i couldn't put a price on it

s13eater 24-06-2006 01:50

:confused: oh mate, whats happening ? why are you selling your s12, its starting to look very :cool: get it ti JAE mate.;)

adzs12 24-06-2006 14:42

The title says maybe for sale, i need every penny i can get to move out so il just be using my van untill im on my feet properly. Sometimes in life you have to sacrifice things to make your goals a bit easier:)

30psi 24-06-2006 14:48


Originally Posted by adzs12
i need every penny i can get to move out

Good luck mate.

I'm sure you'll make more money breaking bits off the car, returning it to standard and selling parts individually.

FLEXXX 27-06-2006 13:43

dont do it mate as to be honest you will regret it but i can understand the situation as ive am i was in a simmilar position when i got rid of both of them know i will have to start from scratch just try and be a bit more patient for while and see what happens as its a lovely car and very few people around who will look after it

RichardK 27-06-2006 19:49


Originally Posted by adzs12
The title says maybe for sale, i need every penny i can get to move out so il just be using my van untill im on my feet properly. Sometimes in life you have to sacrifice things to make your goals a bit easier:)

I had a mortgage when I was 22. When I was 23 I couldn't afford to pay it. I could have sold my Silvia. I sold my works van. Still struggled. I sold my flat. I then rented for a while and found I couldn't afford the rent. Sell my Silvia you'd think? I gave up the flat! Got another rented flat. Couldn't afford it. Gave it up. Errrr now I'm in a caravan. BUT I still have my S12 !!!!!

Looking to buy a house or flat now though with my current (and final) girlyfriend.


Look and learn flower, look and learn!


adzs12 28-06-2006 00:52

Fair point rich and hats off to you mate but at the end of the day if i decide i want to sell it then im selling it, the whole point of me starting this thread was to get offers and so far all have been replys to persuade me to keep it which aint helped my original question. Personally i thought id get alot of feedback but not in this way. It aint all about money its about if i want to sell my car or not:)

PukkaSilvia 28-06-2006 01:19


Originally Posted by adzs12
It aint all about money its about if i want to sell my car or not:)


Originally Posted by adzs12
i need every penny i can get to move out so il just be using my van untill im on my feet properly. Sometimes in life you have to sacrifice things to make your goals a bit easier:)

Are you selling it or not.

Would you like people to tell you what they would value it at rather than what they would buy it off you for?

adzs12 28-06-2006 01:27


Originally Posted by adzs12
Im wondering what someone would be willing to pay for my car should i put it up for sale at some point.

Well what does this say?

Dr Silvia 28-06-2006 01:39

Are you after offers or a valuation:confused: Your grammer in that quote is unclear.

I think people on here arent prepared to put a price on it because they love their silvias and seemingly cant comprehend why you would want to sell it.. to some people here its not about the money.

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