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Dr Silvia 13-07-2006 15:28

Its looking bleak for me :(
just got off the phone to gary and i dont think he's gonn be able to make it either:( :(

30psi 13-07-2006 15:41

Whats wrong with ya car?

Dr Silvia 13-07-2006 17:11


Originally Posted by Dr Silvia
I did a compression test, got 10 bar 6 bar 10 bar 10 bar in that order:( am i right in thinking somethings gotta be seriously wrong to lose that much compression?

either way its getting worse each time i limp it to the shops...

even if its summat simple like a headgasket i havent got the money for that:( i dont know 100% what to do about it atm, i guess i should try and see if the valves are leaking, or rings or a savage hg blow... its burning oil steadily too, which is a sod as it makes it even more expensive to limp around...

as above...

i dont want to take it apart because i need it to limp to shops etc, especially as i dont have any money to do any work to her for now, so i feel like im stuck in catch 22 for the moment

Claire 13-07-2006 17:24


Originally Posted by Dr Silvia
Its looking bleak for me :(
just got off the phone to gary and i dont think he's gonn be able to make it either:( :(

Gary text me yesterday to tell me he can't make it to JAE. He's got some work do.
I have a really bad feeling that you won't be coming along and neither will Adam :( Adam hasn't been on here in weeks and he's not replying to my PM's. :confused:

Dr Silvia 13-07-2006 17:35

grim i hope he hasnt gone on holiday without returning my crane:(
i might be needing it soon...

s13eater 13-07-2006 18:44

lets hope no one else pulls out:( ,look on the bright side, could be worse, martin could turn up:D lol.

Claire 14-07-2006 09:28


Originally Posted by s13eater
lets hope no one else pulls out:( ,look on the bright side, could be worse, martin could turn up:D lol.

Look on the JAE list....

I hope know one else pulls out, because it has taken me so long to try and get a good plot for the club stand. :(

s13eater 14-07-2006 10:06

i know:D , i was just messin,hopefully if i get up early enough sunday morning, i will be able to get the tent packed up and go before i have to see him lol.;)

gripo 14-07-2006 15:46

Could be worse. I could turn up Shaun!! haha!!!!!:D :D :D :)

s13eater 14-07-2006 21:04

you could come down for the crack gripo, dun't matter who turns up,the more the merrier:D should be a good turn out.:D

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