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PukkaSilvia 17-07-2006 23:26


Originally Posted by nassin obrut
is that easy to do? do u just run a source straight from the battery?

No because then it will be constantly live.

Can someone look at the s12 wiring in the manual and find out if there is an ignition live wire out the ecu that goes to the dizzy?

Dr Silvia 18-07-2006 18:19

according to the wiring map i have in front of me the power transistor, coil and dizzy (including CAS) take their power straight from the ignition barrel.

the way the diagram is drawn if you have one power supply problem here it could easily affect the lot. think your best bet is do as jon suggested first and make a known good supply of fresh volts for it all;)

there are 2 wires from the coil/transistor to the ecu
there is 1 wire from the ecu to the power transistor (to control the coil)
and the other is the rpm signal for the ecu and tachometer

the multi connection plug attached that leads to/from the dizzy has 4 wires... 3 of these are the cas, i assume the other is the +ve feed.

There is a tab on the upper side of the dizzy with a push on spade terminal, tbh i'm not sure what that part is:o, but ive run it without it connected and nothing monumental happened:confused: and to top it off its not on this wiring diagram:D i wouldnt expect this to be the positive feed seeing as the connection isn't secure enough...

theres a guide on doing ecu self diagnosis in the how to section:)

30psi 18-07-2006 18:20


Put an image of the respective wiring diagram up (seeing you've scanned it anyway) :p ;)

Dr Silvia 18-07-2006 18:48

there ya go... I cant exactly put the whole thing up, its 5 A4 pages long:cool:

nassin obrut 18-07-2006 23:05

thanks 4 all your help guys gona phone lucus mora and see if this sheds any lite on da situation get back 2 ya's soon as. just wondering if u guys r still thinking bout comin down cornwall (spoke to someone on here bout it back in march) if so let me know cos i can sort out accomodation fairly cheap as i do security in a surf lodge in newquay.thanks again 4 your help

PukkaSilvia 18-07-2006 23:12

Newquey sounds so appealing at the moment.Ive got holiday booked already for next month. Im not sure if i would be able to fit in any more treats,Its all work work work and then working on the car :rolleyes:

nassin obrut 19-07-2006 00:52

thats cool we r open all year round got our own surf school well nice bar would be even cheaper 4 u all if it was out of season anyways,well u know where i am if you guys decide to have a meet down these ere parts hopefully i can get mine working and try and get to meet you guys at some point

Dr Silvia 19-07-2006 13:04

sounds good:)
what are the local 'supplies' like?? *nudge* *nudge*;) ;) :D

nassin obrut 20-07-2006 23:18

its newquay u want it u can get it tis all good aslong as its not silvia bits take it thats what your on about:confused: :confused:

30psi 21-07-2006 09:51

I saw a Silvia in Newquay, it was a two tone dark blue/silver thing. Is it yours?

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