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blitz 28-02-2007 14:50

working for my old man as maintenance man. my family own flat rental business. yes, we're landlord. I don't get paid much but, gotta support the family business (hopefully in the end it'll be mine :D ). taking long distance electrician course atm. went to college for property appraiser but it didn't pan out.

Lister 05-03-2007 03:06

Spare parts Interpreter.....lets see who can guess what that is.. I've done an apprencticeship as a motor mechanic and have now also gotten my trade ticket for Interpreting (only recently recognised as a trade here in Aus). All that and its only taken 20 years.......

30psi 05-03-2007 09:15

I assume it means that you interpret what parts a customer requires?

slimreaper 07-03-2007 18:52

I'm a Cone Penetration Test Operator so there:1la

PukkaSilvia 07-03-2007 20:38

A what !lol

conehead syndrome measure-upper?


adzs12 07-03-2007 20:54

Cone penetration:confused: Sounds grim and illegal lol

slimreaper 07-03-2007 23:01


Originally Posted by adzs12 (Post 15627)
Cone penetration:confused: Sounds grim and illegal lol

Thats the usual response:D Would take a while to explain, but in a nutshell its a type of geotechnical investigation. I live in hotels monday - friday (writing this from my hotel room), spend all week driving from one corner of the cuntry to another, pushing cones in the ground with 25 ton truck/crawler and i do the same thing offshore hanging off the edge of huge boats and drill platforms.

One of the crawlers on its truck

The last boat i worked on (the white one with legs)

If your really intrested/sad and want to know more checkout www.fes.co.uk

adzs12 08-03-2007 00:17

Cool man never heard of that line of work.

Personally though i prefer the sound of cone penetraion lol;)

slimreaper 08-03-2007 06:24

when people phone while I'm working, I can answer with "I'm Penetrating" and I get to buy condoms 50 at a time, much to the embarrassment of the till tart working the checkout at tesco/boots, and charge it to company expenses! :cool:

JackieFan 08-03-2007 09:55


Originally Posted by slimreaper (Post 15637)
...and I get to buy condoms 50 at a time, much to the embarrassment of the till tart...

Best explain that one a bit better mate coz at the moment you sound like a guy that spends all his time in hotels posh wanking.... alot!

30psi 08-03-2007 11:57

How much does a typical cone penetrator earn??

RichardK 08-03-2007 12:03


Originally Posted by 30psi (Post 15644)
How much does a typical cone penetrator earn??

Less than a Vaginal Penetrator.

30psi 08-03-2007 12:07

I'm thinking of a career change.

In fact I start a new job on Monday, so that might not go too well with the new employers...

JackieFan 08-03-2007 12:14

Don't tell 'em :p

slimreaper 08-03-2007 19:23


Originally Posted by 30psi (Post 15644)
How much does a typical cone penetrator earn??

When i meet one i'll ask him:p but as far as i'm aware such a creature does not exist and never will. Only about 30 penetrators in this country and we're all a few sandwiches short of a picnic:wack. my basic salary is pants about 17k, but with all the overtime (and their is alot of it) I managed to clear 26k last year:D

30psi 09-03-2007 11:15

At least you get paid for overtime though. Gives you the opportunity to earn more even if you do have to work your nuts off.

duncan 09-03-2007 21:16

just by reading this im wondering what the fuck i've been doin with my life! im a qualified mechanic and a fucking over worked one at that!! have been in the same place for last 7 years. there are NO oppertunities in this country. i've been thinking of a move to the uk this past year or so. if some one could tell me where i can find out bout the income tax and all that malarky it would be great.
other than that i live for cars. s12's in particular as nobody knows what they are here. very sick of idiots shouting 'go on the twin cam' though. (an ae86 is known as a twin cam in ireland)

adzs12 09-03-2007 21:23

You would be warmingly welcomed if you made the move here mate, go on you know you want too;)

s13eater 09-03-2007 21:30

yeah, get your ass over hear mate;) .

JackieFan 09-03-2007 21:58


...if some one could tell me where i can find out bout the income tax and all that malarky it would be great....
Try here


Come on over, there's just as little things to do here but there are more S12's.... the Guiness is Shite tho

30psi 10-03-2007 00:36


JackieFan 10-03-2007 04:24

So if we all went to stay at Duncans house we'd have loads more money to spend on cars...... and the Guiness is better?

Wagsie 10-03-2007 10:40


.... the Guinness is Shite tho

Not true anymore !

As all Guinness is now brewed only in Ireland and shipped over to us !

Forgot to add that its been that way for over a year now

duncan 13-03-2007 19:22

thanks for the info lads. loads of room at my gaff. all welcome:D pity all the irish events are shit cos ye would be loaded with the exchange rate

PukkaSilvia 14-03-2007 00:19


Originally Posted by 30psi (Post 15732)
I know this jazz for my job...

First of all there is a personal allowance of £5,035.

After you earn after this amount you pay tax. If you are paid weekly/montly its divided by 12 or 52 etc.

After the personal allowance there is 2 types of tax; PAYE (income tax) and National Insurance (NI).


Up to £2,150 - 10%
£2,151 - £33,300 - 22%
£33,301+ - 40%

So if you earn £7,185, only £2,150 of it is taxed at 10%. If you earn £20,000, there is £2,150 taxed at 10% and then £12,815 at 22%. Therefore £20,000 would be deducted £3,034.30 PAYE.


Up to £33,540 - 10%
£33,451+ - 1%

Therefore for £20,000 NI of £1,496.50 is deductable.

On say a salary of £20,000, after deductions above, the net pay is £15,469.20 which is £1,289.10 per month.

shut up lol

30psi 14-03-2007 00:21

Edit the post if you think its shit

PukkaSilvia 14-03-2007 00:24

ok :)

30psi 14-03-2007 00:26

Good to see moderation put to good use there

PukkaSilvia 14-03-2007 00:28

cheers buddy.

Beany-s12 26-03-2007 23:46

i'm a mot tester:D

Maximilian 27-03-2007 16:02


Originally Posted by Beany-s12 (Post 16291)
i'm a mot tester:D

:eek: The power of Christ compels you!!

adzs12 27-03-2007 16:34

Precision engineer

Phil_S12 27-03-2007 21:34

Own a landscaping business, drives patios ect :)

Oscar 28-03-2007 09:52

new job!
i start in 2 days! security at rolls royce, 20k a year lol to stand on a gate hahaha

JackieFan 28-03-2007 12:01


Originally Posted by morkai (Post 16370)
i start in 2 days! security at rolls royce, 20k a year lol to stand on a gate hahaha

Are you a gargoyle?

Phil_S12 28-03-2007 21:04


Originally Posted by JackieFan (Post 16372)
Are you a gargoyle?


Pistonfreak 30-03-2007 23:32

Mechanic by trade
I work for "Bond Roll Bars" now doing fabrication, roll cages and alloy fuel tanks

s12Rob 09-04-2007 08:58

i work for a loca transport company driving a curtain box van, its shite money but they are putting me through my class 2 soon so happy days

old-and-rusty 26-07-2007 16:16

Your all probably not interested, but I will tell you anyway :p .
I`m into women`s underwear........ selling it of course, not wearing it :rolleyes: .
I have a retail unit in Oldham, a website, 2 ebay selling id`s and few other auction sites and online shopping channels too.
I also sell the whole range of underwear, nightwear and hosiery etc, it keeps my missus in clean knickers ;) .

Dazz 26-07-2007 19:37

I work for Pfizer, they own boots and unichem, im a lead driver who manages a group of controlled drug couriers, i go to a drop off hub in the morning, sort out the drops and then give them to the couriers, 2 hours working in a van then 3hrs at home, days work done! im on a 21k a year contract, 5 weeks holiday, to date its he best job ive had, i started as a drug courier 4 months ago
So if you ever need any viagra/blue pill, then i can sort you a 5 hr boner fot a fiver, believe me when i say it doesnt matter if you have problems or not, your missus will be f**ked befour you and a 3hr tingling buzz is the selling point.:eek:

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