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rpettafor 15-02-2007 15:26


Originally Posted by s13eater
i would be interested in this kit, any pics of the skirts mate, i think it would not be a daft idea to hire a van and fetch them all at the same time, i would be willing to drive, if i had a co driver willing to share the driving,or i could do all of the driving if i had someone to map read.;) it would save loads on postage, just all chip in for the van hire and diesel.

id be in if you did go - maybe with a discount off a set for the travelling;)

30psi 15-02-2007 15:43

?300 for the set is very cheap imo. £200 in english.

Its well worth people getting together on this.

ChEsTeR 15-02-2007 16:48

Ok the whole left side is at my house.
I couldn't do better pictures because the car was in the garage and it was dark and raining outside.


The whole thing does not fit like it should because of few reasons. Firts i didn't remove the ruber slat, second: I didn' lifted the trunk cover Third: i didnt remover the rear window under wich the fender is atached, and fourth: the front fender lise on the original one i didnt had time and wil do do it right now.

bigtim 15-02-2007 18:55

They do look nice:D

Pistonfreak 16-02-2007 01:25


Originally Posted by ChEsTeR
Conkers. U dont have to cut anthing on the rear to put it on. The only diferance is thet the GP version had a bigger flare to fit a rim with bigger ET. So u can cut it a use a baseball bat to wider it a bit. Im planing to leavi it as it is and if the rim will couse some trouble i will use a bat.
About the shiping to Austalia i will let u know next week. I can tell u now that shiping with DHL it will be around 1300 USD. But i also checked for the polish mail and they wanted 50-150 USD for shiping to US so autralia will be around the same.
And for the price for the whole set will be around 300 EUR maybe abit more depends on the exchange rate plus shiping.

I don't mind useing sea frieght and waiting a little longer as it will keep the costs down. Yeah DHL is expensive I try not to use the myself
300 euro for the kit plus delivery sounds good
I'm definately in

pete 16-02-2007 01:30

Some how I think your going to be very busy with these kits chester,awesome kit well done,santas got my order already:D

Conkers 16-02-2007 02:08

Looks awesome Maciej,

Check your email.


ChEsTeR 16-02-2007 14:09

OK anyone who is interested pleas email me maciek at karlowicz dot pl because it will be much easer for me then going threw the whole topic to find out the right posts.

FLEXXX 16-02-2007 19:28

well i really want this kit so if we are going to pick the kit up as a group buy then im in with regards of contributing to the van hire and diesel and i dont mind reading the map shaun but will need to arrange a day off work

Pistonfreak 19-02-2007 23:44


Originally Posted by ChEsTeR
OK anyone who is interested pleas email me maciek at karlowicz dot pl because it will be much easer for me then going threw the whole topic to find out the right posts.

Email sent :)

s13eater 23-02-2007 00:20

no one buying any of these, i'd like a set but postage on one set would be more than the kit, a few of us could club in and fetch them.

rpettafor 23-02-2007 00:28


Originally Posted by s13eater
no one buying any of these, i'd like a set but postage on one set would be more than the kit, a few of us could club in and fetch them.

i agree, as i said before, i would be happy to go with someone to collect them

s13eater 23-02-2007 00:36


Originally Posted by rpettafor
i agree, as i said before, i would be happy to go with someone to collect them

i think about 4 of us, that would not be so bad on the hire of the van for the weekend and fuel.

ChEsTeR 23-02-2007 01:15

Postage to UK would cost 46 pound with duration 2-3 weeks 69 duration 5 days. I think that is not so bad after all. I do have a van over here that i can use to go to uk. But fuel would cost about 248 punds so if u devide it by four thats 62. But of course it can be araged. I made a route Warsaw-Paris-Warsaw ,thats 3300 km both ways, about 22 times. The best time a acheved in one way was 11 hours and 25 min :D

adzs12 23-02-2007 02:01

Id be more concered about them getting damaged therefore i think collection is the best port of call, id like a set but i need to draw a line on spending more money:confused:

rpettafor 23-02-2007 09:40


Originally Posted by adzs12
....id like a set but i need to draw a line on spending more money:confused:

same with me - tbh i cant really afford the kit, but hey, isnt that what owning a nissan is all about!

ChEsTeR 24-02-2007 20:02

Hey guys what is this front lip from SE and turbo. What are u talking about??

s13eater 24-02-2007 20:15

do you need payment up front ? and how long would it take to get a kit made?.

ChEsTeR 24-02-2007 20:27

I should have the fenders ready for monday but dont know haw many and 3 sets are reserved. U can make the payment when they will be ready to be shiped.

s13eater 24-02-2007 20:29

who's orderd them.

ChEsTeR 24-02-2007 20:32

Mates from sweeden norway and australia

s13eater 24-02-2007 20:34

these english s12 owners are tight with with there money lol.:D

ChEsTeR 24-02-2007 20:37

Yup but i thought the french are more stingy

s13eater 24-02-2007 23:24

mate,can you pm me an adress and i'll see how far it is.

ChEsTeR 25-02-2007 00:03

PM sent

PukkaSilvia 25-02-2007 01:33

How can you make 4 wings and bumpers for 200 quid?Unpaid slave labour?

What about import duty and did i read correctly, you say postage is 46 pounds? These prices dont seem right :confused:

FLEXXX 25-02-2007 02:58

ive just placed my order as i work nights its been hard to get on the net and my connection has been playing up too thats why i have not been on sight for along time but still here lol

ChEsTeR 25-02-2007 10:36

Puka i make 4 fenders and 2 sideskirts , no bumpers.
If u are that interested then check haw many polish people come to UK to work. Then u will find out why is that posiible. I aloso thougt about going to irland or uk to work, when i was on vacation in irland i even found myself a job but it turns out your food sucks :D so i decided i will try my luck at home. But if u want i easy can make the price 300-400 pounds. I try to make is as cheep as posible so more people can buy and reduce my costs of the forms. And there is no import duty VAT or excize Poland is in Europen Union if u havent noticed.

s13eater 25-02-2007 14:15


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
How can you make 4 wings and bumpers for 200 quid?Unpaid slave labour?

What about import duty and did i read correctly, you say postage is 46 pounds? These prices dont seem right :confused:

cheers jon, THANKS ALOT. if chester was happy with the price, then why get him to bump up the prices, surely its about getting parts at the best prices possible, that why i know a couple of engine builders who get there parts from the states and oz, because exchange rates are different and cost of living is cheaper, i was planning on buying a set at that price, but can't afford them if the prices go up, us s12 owners are on a budget and should help each other out.

s13eater 25-02-2007 14:17


Originally Posted by 30psi
?300 for the set is very cheap imo. £200 in english.

Its well worth people getting together on this.

here whilst i'am at it, here's another one.

PukkaSilvia 25-02-2007 15:45

Im not trying to get him to put the prices up. Im double checking things as i dont want s12oc members under any risk of being scammed.I dont mean to be offensive by doing this

Has anyone received a set yet and done a review on them?

They do look very good in the pictures.

gloss white? have those been prepped and painted already?

s13eater 25-02-2007 16:22

chester, i have put your address in 3 diffrent route finders and i cant find it :confused:

s13eater 25-02-2007 16:38

its ok i found you on here . http://www.uk.map24.com/ its 1177.5 miles & it will take 21 hours

ChEsTeR 25-02-2007 16:50

I'm not planning on rising the price. At least not now.
The fenders are white because its coted with plastic. I could chose any color but i thought withe is the best choice.
No one have recived it yet because i haven't send it to any one yet. I still have problems with the guy who makes it. He's a bit lazy. But on this week im palning to send 3 sets.

30psi 25-02-2007 18:28


Originally Posted by s13eater

Originally Posted by 30psi
?300 for the set is very cheap imo. £200 in english.

Its well worth people getting together on this.

here whilst i'am at it, here's another one.

I think you misunderstood me, I'm not trying to get him to raise the prices, just purely pointing out how good the value of the parts are. If I still had an S12 I'd snap them up !

s13eater 25-02-2007 18:41

i think the trip would cost to much.but the kit is a bargin, i can't believe no one else wants the kit, its cheaper than buying new wings.

duncan 25-02-2007 20:14

count me in!
i havent checked this thread in a while. that kit is savage!! i want one. need wings for my 86 anyway and the wide archs will suit the s14 rear subframe i'm using perfect. half regreting painting my 87 now

stu 25-02-2007 21:11

Sorry to poke my nose in on this, But im with pukkasilvia!!

Has anyone seen the kit that this guy has used for making the copies??

Has anyone seen more then one kit??

Has anyone got any insurance for the kit off the seller?? (do you know him)(heard of him)

I personaly think the kit looks awsome, and would love to have one for my s12 when i get it!! but i wouldnt like to send my money over seas without knoowing for definate that i was going to get what i had payed for!!!

From the first post i thought something wasnt right! Maybe wrong!! but think about it before you jump in guys.

get the seller to get pictures of all the kits together and include a picture of the kit that the mould was made from.

seems to good to be true.

Where can you get these kits from??Whats the company that makes them?? has anyone got a link to there site or any contact details???

Just my thoughts guys/seller, Im not saying your scamming!!! just telling people to be carefull!!! You see it to often nower days, people getting scammed left right and centre!!!!!

s13eater 25-02-2007 21:18

i think the kit was only done in germany, about a thousand where made, its the grand prix kit. as i've said before, enough people have them, then throw in for van hire and fuel, then i'll pick them up with another driver who wants to accompany me, then we can hand over the cash for the kits.

stu 25-02-2007 21:29

I would get him to meet you at the port then;)

Its safer than having to go somewhere in a country that you dont know, and having a few grand in your back pocket:eek:

I maybe up for this if its the case that someone is going to collect them:D

I wouldnt mind jumping in with a few people to make the jurney over there aswell;)

I would need to get my passport sorted out, so let me know if you want me to jump in with you guys;)

i could get me a load of duty free while im there lol:D

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