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s13eater 29-01-2008 07:33


Originally Posted by rob turbo (Post 23527)
hoping to bring my mate...DAVE DEE the dj man :sderfd

along with me to the fest.. i'll go, i enjoyed it.. lots of jap metal there to give me the 'fix'.. i think the S12's should feature there as a group.. there aint many left on the uk roads & the car is a fine piece of kit so we MUST stand & be proud of our cars.:shoot

:cool: i'll be there even if the fj is'nt in, but i'am hoping it will be.

Oscar 30-01-2008 13:34

well hopefully this year, where ever u lot go i shall try to come along as well :)

s13eater 01-02-2008 09:43

jae @ mersea island
colchester, just read on sxoc that jae will be held there for the next 3 years:( , .

Claire 01-02-2008 13:43

Here's all the info....

Traditionally JAE has always been the start of the Summer Holidays and, despite thunder storms, floods and even a hurricane we have stuck to that date and accommodated TOTB by moving forward. Looking at the weather (this is the UK after all!) maybe July is never the right time? But we wanted it to be at a time when as many people could find the time and also when the whole family could come along – if they wanted! So, we have after much consideration agreed to move it to the last weekend of August. Not only is this better weather but its still school holiday time and should give us a much better event to round off the Summer. In addition to moving to the weekend of 29-31 August the event just got bigger and is now 3 DAYS of JAE!!! Thursday is now set up day and the activities start in earnest on Friday morning for those that wish to make it a full weekend away. We hope you like it!

JAE at Billing was fine at that time but JAE out-grew the location which is when we moved to Peterborough.This was a step in the right direction as it gave us a much bigger venue to allow in all the clubs who wanted to come to JAE but in moving to Peterborough we lost some of what made JAE so special so the task was on to find the perfect venue which would give the sparkle back to JAE and worked on the overall atmosphere of the event which we all know makes it different from any other in the year.

We have now found JAE's new permanent home and confirmed the venue and dates for the next 3 years.

JAE's new permanent home for 2008 and beyond will be at Mersea Island which just outside Colchester.

The show venue is over 60 acres and has a huge amount of potential for us, already catering for club and enthusiast shows all year round and with some amazing facilities on site - we're amazed we managed to miss it previously as its perfect for JAE! I will post up some pictures tomorrow of things to expect at the new location but, for now, let me just share with you SOME what we have to offer at JAE's new home:

Loads of parking on a totally secure site

Full Bar and off- sales

Japanese themed bar and special hot and cold SAKE bar

Large function room with permanent DJ facilities and stage

Outdoor hard standing marquee for live bands

Indoor trade area as well as outdoor pitches

Speedboat with inflatable banana ride experiences from the Beach

Yes, you read right - a beach!! - which is part of the site

Log cabins for families and groups with electric and heating as well as the vast camping areas as usual

Various planned activities such as inter-club Its-a-Knockout competitions ( inc 5 a side football ), some themed in Japanese endurance- Takeshi's Castle style!!

Full food village as well as a huge canteen which will be providing not only dinner for those who grow tired of junk food but also each morning the canteen will provide full English breakfasts, served up in true dinner-lady style - Previously an important detail which was missing from JAE for the morning after a night socialising

….. but best of all, the venue is really quiet and in the middle of nowhere so we can make as much noise as we like and go on for as long as we like. But if you’re worried about too much noise we have an area completely set aside as a quiet camping for those who may have families etc as the site is designed to cater for all, making it even more family friendly in certain parts of the site to ensure everyone has a great time.


1) Claire & Jon
2) Shaun, Stella,kids minus tasha

Beany-s12 02-02-2008 00:28

well with it being a whole 20 min drive from my house i think it would be rude not to show my face:cool: :D

1) Claire & Jon
2) Shaun, Stella,kids minus tasha
3)beany (aka jon's bitch)

PukkaSilvia 02-02-2008 00:52

that is great news. I really was getting fed up with Peterborough showground

JackieFan 02-02-2008 09:13

1) Claire & Jon
2) Shaun, Stella,kids minus tasha
3) beany (aka jon's bitch)
4) Jackiefan

rob turbo 07-02-2008 17:24

im there + dj Dave Dee.

s13eater 07-02-2008 19:27


Originally Posted by rob turbo (Post 23824)
im there + dj Dave Dee.

:cool: , should be a good crack then, i did have second thoughts with it being so far away, if the fj is in it will probly be a nightmare to drive it that far, but as stella has pointed out, it would be good to get away with the kids, lets hope the bloody weather is good.:)

PukkaSilvia 07-02-2008 19:36

as long as that dave dee doesnt put that now 28 music on again. I had to get out the tent last jae. It was doing my bloody head in.

Katineye joe:trout

s13eater 07-02-2008 19:44


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia (Post 23830)
as long as that dave dee doesnt put that now 28 music on again. I had to get out the tent last jae. It was doing my bloody head in.

Katineye joe:trout

as long it ain't all that shitty night club crap all night, then i don't mind, a variation for all peoples tastes, all people are different, different cars, different kits, different music, different hobbies, jobs, etc;) oh and a bit of destination unknown for rob and i.

Dr Silvia 10-02-2008 18:47

Well i'll be coming to this one, WITH my car, also with a small PA system and the wheels of steel:cool: anyone is welcome to bring some needles and vinyl along, aslong as you know how to use the equipment of course!!:p

ofcourse this is relying on kimble or someone to bring their genny!;)

rpettafor 10-02-2008 20:23

i'll most likely be there:D

s13eater 10-02-2008 20:29


Originally Posted by Dr Silvia (Post 23936)
Well i'll be coming to this one, WITH my car, also with a small PA system and the wheels of steel:cool: anyone is welcome to bring some needles and vinyl along, aslong as you know how to use the equipment of course!!:p

ofcourse this is relying on kimble or someone to bring their genny!;)

thats if kimble turns up, i don't know where he's disappeard to:confused:

Oscar 10-02-2008 20:45

gona try my damn hardest 2 b there!

sideways danny 11-02-2008 15:59


Originally Posted by s13eater (Post 23938)
thats if kimble turns up, i don't know where he's disappeard to:confused:

loved up to the max. Gayest facebook status updates EVAAAARRRRR

PukkaSilvia 12-02-2008 22:21

I hate that shite. Its pathetic

zxocmars 13-02-2008 00:25


Originally Posted by Oscar (Post 23940)
gona try my damn hardest 2 b there!

Be great if you can make it Mate.

Love to see what you done to the motor

Oscar 13-02-2008 19:18

well it should be de rusted, very noisy lol, no interior and probly purple:trout :D

Oscar 13-02-2008 19:20

face book sucks ass :ghey

zxocmars 13-02-2008 19:24

What's wrong with Purple Oscar???? Huh???:trout

Oscar 14-02-2008 13:02

nowt thats y im goin purple lol, the colour ive chose is a mix of a tvr and old bmw colours

duncan 28-02-2008 20:19

sounds like jae will rock this year. we'll have to see if we can make it for the weekend. drive is even longer now though:( not sure what way my holidays are working since i changed jobs either

Beany-s12 01-03-2008 18:36

well i'll be there! just not in my s12 as it sold today to jack010 :(
have to c if i can borrow one to bring up

RichardK 31-05-2008 22:29

I'm coming to JAE this year you bunch of farkers :D

Look out :1la

rob turbo 11-06-2008 20:36

when & were is this gunna be, cant find any threads on this.. + how many is going... numbers...?


if there will be a club stand, i have got a huge ammount to put into it to make it stand out.! ;)

s13eater 16-06-2008 17:51

are we sorting the list of names out then lads ?

Beany-s12 16-06-2008 23:12

i'll be showing my face but won't be in an s12 i'm afraid:(

PukkaSilvia 19-06-2008 00:44

I will be there with claire

s13eater 05-07-2008 21:48

no one turning up then ? let us know if we are avin a stand or not, its gonna work out expensive for me to start with, i have to pay the kennles for the staffy, petrol money all the way down there, train fair for tasha,money to enter the event, then if no ones there its a waste of feckin time sitting in a field on our own when i could put the money into a holiday or the fj.

PukkaSilvia 06-07-2008 19:08

Well i have not booked the stand and im not going to unless i know whos going and what size plot to get. I have to pay for the plot out my own pocket each year and then i get let down by people not turning up.

Start an attendace list of cars not people.

1) pukkas s12 powered 120y
2) Rob Turbos s12
3) Richard Kimberly's s12
4) s13eaters s12

s13eater 06-07-2008 19:37

come on lads, anyone going to chip in for the stand, jon says its £30, thats not alot between us all, jon can't be expected to pay all of the time.

rob turbo 06-07-2008 22:52

ive got my man the DJ dave dee comming with me, entertainment provided, lasers, bose sound system, a generator. a FULL bag of mashin's to boot. a well sorted crew so far. :D

come on guys, lets get names down. the S12 NEEDS the appreciation it deserves.! :) owners unite.! :cool:

rob turbo 06-07-2008 22:53

i'll contribute towards the stand also. entertainment, beer & food.

s13eater 06-07-2008 23:02


Originally Posted by rob turbo (Post 26718)
i'll contribute towards the stand also. entertainment, beer & food.

me too, but we have'nt even got a plot booked rob, so if we turn up we have not got anywhere to show the cars:rolleyes:

rpettafor 07-07-2008 20:42

I'll be there, im not working that wknd:)

rob turbo 07-07-2008 23:33

no plot.!!

come on guys, lets show the S12 stand. :D

s13eater 07-07-2008 23:54

yeah come on lads who's chipping in i'll put £5 in, lets get it booked this week.

rpettafor 13-07-2008 16:13

ill put £5 in, if someone wants to organise it ill pay em back when im there, or however they wanna play it

s13eater 13-07-2008 23:10

right, we need to get the plot booked, if theres still time, we also need to know if the gazeebo will be there for the stand, i think jackiefan has that, i'll msn him 2moz if he's on, we also need to know how many s12's are turning up for definate and i think its £30 for the plot, so i can't stand to that on my own, so whoever is turning up on the stand will have to share the cost between us, so can we has some names , if not i'll not bother booking the plot, cheers,

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