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PukkaSilvia 22-04-2006 13:35

ive sent the confirmation letter off so yes. I should get a map of where our stand is after the closing date around the 5th of may. Glad to hear your coming again.:D

PukkaSilvia 22-04-2006 14:19

i have just rung the organisers up and confirmed our plot and let them know the forms are in the post. They said a few of you have called already etc.

So everything is now confirmed 100%.

I have just paid for my ticket and claire's ticket and will be ordering my track time next week. I didnt want to order it today as i gave her enough work to do already lol.

So if your coming give them a call :cool:

s13eater 22-04-2006 14:32

spot on, i don't think i'll be taking part in any of the track events as i'am going away in august and need it to drive 900 miles, so if i break owt the misses will kill me, i've booked the ferry and site, so i can't back out now.:)

Claire 22-04-2006 16:33

Unfortunately I am only going to come to M.N on the sunday as I have a hen night to go to saturday nite in Reading. But I will drive to Northampton first thing sunday morning so I may have to give some1 a call if Im lost. :)

Japster 25-04-2006 15:39


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
Ive just had an email from Japster (den)and he will be attending Modified Nationals as well and taking it round the track.:D

...Though it'll probably break! :D (I have a strange clunking noise, and last time that happened my driveshaft was on it's way out! :( - It'll be a true test though, and of course you techies can confirm which bit's f*cked (if any!)...

Def. looking forward to it Pukka - Well done on kicking people's collective a*ses to get to it!

Glad Shaun's up for it too - Life of the riot (I mean *party*) that man... :p

Counting the days!

PS - No-one laugh at me paintwork - it's reet fecked... :o

s13eater 25-04-2006 16:00

just park it near mine den, my paints fecked to:D

PukkaSilvia 25-04-2006 20:17

if i dont pull my finger out my paintwork will be mostly filler :p . What a display we will have lol

Japster 26-04-2006 13:37


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
if i dont pull my finger out my paintwork will be mostly filler :p . What a display we will have lol

Heh heh... Still, we're all concentrating our wonga on more important issues (like that often ignored power thingymubbob)...


...anyhow, If i can drive to the event, then onto the track, then onto the stand, all without stopping, no-one'll notice the crappy paintwork! (as, if it's anything like my Silverstone antics in my old Silvia, it'll be covered (buried?) in gravel and dust! :eek: :D )

s13eater 26-04-2006 13:45

hey cheeky bugger:p i've done 40k without any major breakages:D i'd luurv to take it on the track, but i want it to drive to the south of france in august, i'll have me z32calipers and braided hoses on for this saturday;) , just waiting on EARLS sending me the right end connections out;) then i'am shiming the lsd up 2nite, my other shim has come from nissan.:D , lsd will be going on the mk2 though, with the rebuilt rear subby and poly bushes.

Japster 26-04-2006 14:04


Originally Posted by s13eater
hey cheeky bugger:p i've done 40k without any major breakages:D i'd luurv to take it on the track, but i want it to drive to the south of france in august, i'll have me z32calipers and braided hoses on for this saturday;) , just waiting on EARLS sending me the right end connections out;) then i'am shiming the lsd up 2nite, my other shim has come from nissan.:D , lsd will be going on the mk2 though, with the rebuilt rear subby and poly bushes.

Heh heh... :D

Seriously mate, you're doing a sh*tload of stuff to your beastie - I'm going to have to pick up some tips from you and Pukka - I've still not done absolutely necessary things like braided hoses! :eek: - could do with some help getting her set up safely, as opposed to the way my suspension, brakes, and handling are at the moment! (There's mucho beers in it for yers!... :D )

(Hey, I hold my hands up - I spent all my money on making the damn thing drive FAST, I had f*ck all left to make it drive SAFELY (as opposed to the rocket-propelled, wheeled deathtrap that it currently is) - What more do you people want? - blood?... eh? eh? :p :D )

Japster 27-04-2006 16:15

Well I'm now broke!
I've ordered mine and Lornie's tickets, (£126 :eek: !!!) - Still, we're both there for the weekend, and I've got my full on racing package, and ahem, cough.... VIP upgrade... :p

If anyone asks, it's for the gallery area to watch the proceedings OUTSIDE the glass, and not inside, or more to the point, the action on the poles... :D :p

See you lot there then!... :D

s13eater 28-04-2006 18:42

evans'y ya dirty ode perv:D

Japster 29-04-2006 23:17


Originally Posted by s13eater
evans'y ya dirty ode perv:D

Heh heh - That's a compliment coming from the No.1 flesh ogler! :D :p

PukkaSilvia 30-04-2006 13:35

Im going VIP. I want to see the tities too :D

Japster 01-05-2006 18:27


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
Im going VIP. I want to see the tities too :D

Lol! - We're all gonna burn in hell! :p (Well, possibly in our beds if the missus's find out... :D

Damn... having a problem finding those bloody scans..... :rolleyes: - Will keep looking... D'oh!....

EDIT: Found 'em! - Will mail 'em to Pukka for everyone to have a ganders at! :D ...

s13eater 19-05-2006 10:37

have we any idea how many s12's are going up to now:)

PukkaSilvia 21-05-2006 22:09

i will compile a list this week after ive chased people who expressed interest up.

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