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PukkaSilvia 05-07-2006 23:12

At least were near the other classic jap owners clubs :cool:

Claire 06-07-2006 12:19

All change....Claire has managed to move us. Hope this location is ok with everyone. She is probably sick of me by now so it better be ok :D :p

We are right behind 200SXOC in the bottom right hand corner. We are close to everything including firework display, disco, film show, drifiting arena, trade stands, food and camping :cool: I just hope that no one backs out of attending JAE because it has taken so long to arrange a better location.


Japster 06-07-2006 14:10

[quote=Claire]All change....Claire has managed to move us. Hope this location is ok with everyone. She is probably sick of me by now so it better be ok :D :p

We are right behind 200SXOC in the bottom right hand corner. We are close to everything including firework display, disco, film show, drifiting arena, trade stands, food and camping :cool: I just hope that no one backs out of attending JAE because it has taken so long to arrange a better location.

Result! :D

I'm coming along, but still have a f*cked up clutch (or whatever it turns out to be) - slipping like a bast*rd, and the bodywork's none too clever :( ...but hey - she'll look better when it gets dark... :p

Sounds like it's gonna be a wicked event! - and a baaaaargain too, though I may need a tow home! :rolleyes: ... :D

Claire 06-07-2006 14:28

Its great to hear that your coming along despite all the car problems you have. :D I haven't seen you or your car for 2 years :eek: I really hope that the weather will be nice this year..... keep your fingers crossed.

Claire 06-07-2006 17:22


s13eater & family
Rob Turbo & Friend
Dr Silvia
Rickard K
Ken Finn
Gaz & Abbie (friend of mine who has mr2 last year)-.(not displaying)
Duncan & Olivia

s13eater 07-07-2006 12:44

and all being well maybe another mk1 is going to turn up;) ,i've got a mk2 as well, anyone in the chesterfield area is quite welcome to drive her down:D .

Claire 07-07-2006 16:06

I would have loved to have driven the other s12, but your just a bit too far away from me :ghey :( Someone has to offer to drive the other one.

s13eater 07-07-2006 20:35

14 days :D

PukkaSilvia 07-07-2006 21:02


Originally Posted by s13eater
14 days :D

OH nooooo i havnt even prepped my car for spraying yet and my head gasket is sitting in the post office collections box lol. :1la haha

s13eater 07-07-2006 21:45

get ya ass in gear jon lol:D and don't forget to wash ya hands down with some solvent before you put your H/G gasket on;) all that engine oil will contaminate it lol:D .

FLEXXX 08-07-2006 02:23

i would love to offer my services but it all about trying to get to yours as my loppy will not make it there willl see if i can pinch a lift what day are you leaving shaun and what time if possible will borrow a car to get to yours and drive the the s12 and pick and drive back in mine after ive dropped the s12
also i will have to seee if im available for the whole weekend to make it worthwhile fingers crosssed

gaz 10-07-2006 10:27

Ello, Abs and I will be there.:)

Claire 10-07-2006 11:52

Flexx please come to JAE this year. :) Last year was such a laugh, how would we cope without your spicy burgers ;) :p

northerner 10-07-2006 21:35


I know for defo that Sat/Sun are out for me as I'm working 12+ shifts but maybe able to make the Friday daytime. Whats happening on the Friday or is it just the setting up for the W/E etc :confused:

Claire 11-07-2006 09:08


Originally Posted by northerner

I know for defo that Sat/Sun are out for me as I'm working 12+ shifts but maybe able to make the Friday daytime. Whats happening on the Friday or is it just the setting up for the W/E etc :confused:

Jon and I won't get there until about 3pm on the friday, there won't be much going on because clubs and traders will be setting up. Friday evening there is a film show, but everything really kicks off on the saturday. It would be great to see you on the friday,but if you will be travelling a long distance you may be a bit disappointed to see very few people about. What do you think you will do? :)

northerner 11-07-2006 09:28

Don't know yet but I'll think about it and get back to you :D

FLEXXX 11-07-2006 20:09

i now know that i will not be able to come for the whole weekend so im a bit gutted so i will try my utmost best to be there sat/sun hopefully will tryand hijack someone into coming with me for a lift hope to see you lot there

rob turbo 11-07-2006 23:22

im there friday. late afternooons....:D

sirmarky 12-07-2006 23:31

i'll be down im my newly repaired s12 , i will be over on the zxoc stand :D
i will pop over & say hi at some point......

see you all at JAE


Claire 13-07-2006 09:23


s13eater & family
Rob Turbo & Friend
Dr Silvia
Rickard K
Ken Finn
Duncan & Olivia
TOM0200 (friday??)
FLEXX (Saturday/Sunday)
Northerner (friday)
30psi (Sunday)

s13eater 13-07-2006 19:11

hopefully tomo will follow me down on friday afternoon, as i could do with his help puttin up the tent as stella has had an accident today, whilst crossing a road she stepped off of the kirb and put her foot into a pot hole, she's chipped a bone and torn the ligaments, its the size of a cricket ball:eek: .

FLEXXX 13-07-2006 19:54

sorry to hear that takes some photos of the pothole and get copensation of the council they have the dosh for these kind of accidents
pass on my regards and hope she gets well soon

s13eater 14-07-2006 08:05

lol,i've already took photos of her foot, then drove back down and got photos of the hole:D .

PukkaSilvia 14-07-2006 08:32

Well done,That should get you a big turbo for your fj :p

30psi 14-07-2006 10:09


I won't be in my car on Sunday so prob best to exclude me from the list

Claire 14-07-2006 10:45


Originally Posted by 30psi

I won't be in my car on Sunday so prob best to exclude me from the list

What car are you going to be in? Whats happend to your car?

30psi 14-07-2006 11:40

Well the plan is for Flexx to get the car ex engine and other bits

Before doing that I need to remove the gauges, the boost controller, the front coilovers, the amp wiring, fuel pump, wheels, sort him some new wheels and tyres, sort him out some good brakes etc.

Then he gets the car and I come back home with my engine. In order for this to happen sooner I have had to buy a shitter to run around in (a micra) which I plan to drive after this weekend.

Claire 14-07-2006 12:23


Originally Posted by 30psi
In order for this to happen sooner I have had to buy a shitter to run around in (a micra) which I plan to drive after this weekend.

lol. A micra :cool: you could put your car on the 'Micra Sports' stand at JAE. They always have some real crackers on their stand. ;) Didn't you have a choice over which shitter you could drive around in? :rolleyes:

30psi 14-07-2006 12:33

I didnt really look hard into buying a shitter.

I saw it and thought 'yeah thats shit' so it instantly qualified lol

Its purely just a temporary measure. I'm looking forward to spending less on fuel. I should save £150 a month i reckon.

Claire 14-07-2006 15:25

You could get some chrome spinners from halfords for it, tart it up a bit for JAE. I can't wait to see you driving it, men always look funny driving micras :p :D

Claire 14-07-2006 15:30

At the moment the weather forecast for JAE seems like it might be a repeat of last year...


30psi 14-07-2006 15:30

Its so shit. Its the worse car I have ever driven.

TOMO200 14-07-2006 15:58

I will follow shaun down friday and help put his tent up, i can only stay til around midday sat cause got to get back for the plane im catching at 9:D

Claire 14-07-2006 16:52


Originally Posted by TOMO200
I will follow shaun down friday and help put his tent up, i can only stay til around midday sat cause got to get back for the plane im catching at 9:D

It's great to hear that you can make it. See you next week :)

PukkaSilvia 14-07-2006 18:55


Originally Posted by 30psi
I didnt really look hard into buying a shitter.I saw it and thought 'yeah thats shit' so it instantly qualified lol

Awseome signature quote if someone wants to grab that lol :D

How are you getting your s12 to flexx's? trailor or spare et lump?

30psi 17-07-2006 10:23

No will drive it there and come back with my engine

Claire 17-07-2006 11:54

JAE Schedule

Here is some more info on JAE that Claire (JAE events organiser) emailed to me:

10am until 5pm - Drift passenger rides and displays
11am - Show and Shine (under the main arena canopy)
15:30 - Nissan (show and shine)

6pm - Flame Off (by Peterborough Suite)
8pm - Disco (Cambridge Suite)
9pm - Live Band (Cambridge Suite)
10pm - Fireworks
10:15 until midnight - Disco (Cambridge Suite)

10am until 5pm - Drift passenger rides and displays
10:30 - Winners assemble for finals of the Show and Shine
12:00 - Show and Shine Awards
12:30 - JAE Best Car Club
13:00 - Tug of War

Registration for all activities closes 30 minutes before the activity starts. Please go to the Admin Centre located by the grandstand.

Show and Shine
The show and shine will take place as before by manufacturer but this time NOT on the oval. As before the cars will parade in, park up and be judged. Our very own Stephen Grant will be on hand to interview the drivers and talk to people throughout the day. So make sure you're in line nice and early and don't forget to register 30 minutes beforehand - at least. The top two cars from each section will go through to the Best Cars of JAE final on Sunday. The winning names and cars will be posted up in the Admin Centre and announced on the radio at 5:30pm on Saturday - so make sure you tune in! The winning cars will then be parked up on Sunday for the final judging. So Saturday night could be a busy time for some polishers out there! All the presentations will take place at noon on Sunday, rounding off with the award for the Best Car Club.

It's back and here's our very own frequency JAE FM is 87.7 don't forget to tune in. Announcements, Interviews and the very best of music will be broadcast from Saturday morning right through the day and all night and all day Sunday.

Show Guide
Each car will receive this free JAE show guide. Detailing the event, which clubs and traders are attending, location maps and other information.

Passenger rides in a Drift car
New to JAE this year, passenger rides in a drift car. It may not be the real thing, but it will you the experience of what it's like to go sideways. This would not of been possible, without the full support and backing of D1GB www.d1gb.co.uk, Drift UK www.driftuk.co.uk and Driftskool www.driftskool.co.uk

Our ole favourite the fireworks are back...with vengeance!! Bigger and better than before, so get ready for this spectacular light show.

No excuse to let off steam and your hair down....time to shake your booty on the dance floor to all the hits in the mix.

Live Band
For all you rockers young and old, kick back and enjoy the sounds from 4 fifteen www.4fifteen.co.uk

The size of S12OC's stand is 365 square metres, or 180 square feet per car. (if we had 20 cars attending, so each car should have more space).
We have got to start thinking of some layouts so if anyone has any ideas please post them on here. :D

PukkaSilvia 17-07-2006 22:26

well done :) .It sounds a bit more interesting than last year

s13eater 17-07-2006 22:37


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
well done :) .It sounds a bit more interesting than last year

sound job,:D

rob turbo 19-07-2006 11:25

im comming down on friday afternoon/eve.. , what time do the gates shut for people entering the show...

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