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Dr Silvia 23-10-2006 21:29

dude that sounds much better than killing my pc with dodgy software (again):)
just about to scan now when the computer stops messing about

RichardK 23-10-2006 21:33

pm me your address and ill send it in the morning at work :)

umpkin 23-10-2006 21:43

ive got a "copy" of adobe photoshop CS2 v9 full (tis what it says, i dont know tbh) with serial i can upload to you, will take about 1.5hrs at 30kps i think, totally up to you, but if richards is a legit copy, then you are better off with that.

RichardK 23-10-2006 21:45

yeah mine is a genuine COPY lol

as in, i don't own it, someone else does LOL

i cant mix "purchase" and "software" in one mouthful hehe

umpkin 23-10-2006 21:47


Dr Silvia 23-10-2006 23:00

they just dont go do they:D
i'll use rich's legit 'copy' as what you have is similar to what killed my pc when i did the manual:) i got trojanned:(

umpkin 24-10-2006 00:47

thats fair enuf m8, i have had this installed now for bout 4 months thou, without any probs.

if poss thou, could i have a copy of the scan unmolested, are you gonna scan it in high quality, i want to add my own personal touches to it.

if thats ok, either lob up a link to it on here, or pm if you rather, i can host it if you dont want other hammering your bandwidth.


ill pm you a link to my FTP, you can dump it directly onto my pc.

PukkaSilvia 24-10-2006 01:03

sounds like a nice little project. Quite interested to see if anything comes of it. The std dash could do with a re vamp. Id like one with blanked off rpm counter,boost guage,water temp and oil pressure as i dont use any of them due to the det and after market guages

umpkin 24-10-2006 06:23


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
Id like one with blanked off rpm counter,boost guage,water temp and oil pressure as i dont use any of them due to the det and after market guages


hope this helps

JackieFan 24-10-2006 10:16

I wouldn't mind a copy too if that's ok :D

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