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s13eater 14-06-2007 18:02

can't you make your own bracket, like the one that i made to blank the t3 wastegate on tomo's t3.

ChEsTeR 15-06-2007 00:41

Today i have set AFR on my silvia 12.5-11:1 @ 1 bar of boost. But one thing is bothering me. the car puls better then on 0.7 but after few runs the exhaust mainfold starts to glow. This has never happend in my old car(atuly happend at 0.8 bat of boost on a T2 with no IC). Can the EGR system (mallfunction or not) cos it????? It happend the moment i have replaced injectors and pluged EGR back because i fond out that a vacume line from the intake manifold was of. The plugs are all wite ( the AFR at lower RMP's with no bost is 14.7:1)
And one thing more before tuning it but right after instaling bigger injectors exhaust mainfold olso glowed red even at at low boost and the AFR was much richer.

30psi 15-06-2007 00:54

Sounds like the ignition is too retarded

ChEsTeR 15-06-2007 00:56

Mayby i damaded knock sensor harnes during replacing the injectors.

30psi 15-06-2007 01:00

I'm also left wondering if the euro 8 spark engines have different AFM's to the UK ones

ChEsTeR 15-06-2007 08:31

I'm preaty shure they have. Because the 4 spark ECU dos not cooperate withe 8 spark MAF

30psi 15-06-2007 08:59

Could explain the higher than expected voltages

ChEsTeR 15-06-2007 09:16

so what should i do?

30psi 15-06-2007 09:20

Try to use an S13 afm, but then your work on original afm maybe sufficient

I guess the pin outs on your ecu are different to the UK spec?

ChEsTeR 15-06-2007 09:39

The signal cable is the same in both ECU's and the voltage is the same but the 4 spark does not accepsts it dont know why. I will try an s13 one with a lambda.

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