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old-and-rusty 18-11-2007 19:31

They were superb cars at the time. Virtually everyone I knew had a Mk2 `scort. I had the 1300, which I had bored out to about 1440, with a big valve 1600 head and the twin webers too. I was quite proud of myself, cos I did all the head work on my Mum`s kitchen table...LOL.... and the car actually ran really well after I`d finished working on it (that was a surprise ;) ).
Also she had twin-tone air horns for scaring pedestrians :eek: and a bus reversing alarm that I wired up to a separate circuit along with a set of spotlights. I used to do a one day a week course in Manchester and the traffic was a bloody nightmare coming home. One flick of a switch, the spots would flash on and off and the bus reversing alarm would sound, it did help to clear traffic out of the way ;) ...LOL....
They were pretty bullet-proof motors, cheap for parts (with a lot being interchangable), easy to work on and fairly cheap to run. What more could you ask for a first car :cool: .
P.s. I really must get some proper work done now, instead of thinking about my past motors....LOL....

silviagod 19-11-2007 10:02

The time control unit was not fitted to the UK Silvia. Both door switches connect together with a crimped insulated joint under the carpet behind the driver's seat and then head towards the front and the big connector that they call the Super Multiple Junction. If there has ever been dampness in the floor of the car the connection behind the drivers seat can corrode and both switches may stop working. The colour code for the wires is black with a red trace but there are more than one of the same colour. You will have to remove the lower front seatbelt anchorage point to lift the carpet and it may be easier to find it if you remove the driver's seat too.

umpkin 19-11-2007 17:50

i shall have a check of that when it stops raining in a month or 2 :D

ive not seen any water on the floor, but this info you gave, give me the starting point to all my checks, i had a quick look yest, but the wiring is so big and well hidden i wasnt sure where to start looking for the wires i wanted.

Thanks for the info really appriciate it, it make it better when positions of stuff is pointed out, the manual dont help with this.

old-and-rusty 20-11-2007 12:55

Yeah the manual is good for the technical detail, but TBH, Haynes manuals tend to be better laid out, ie more photos etc ;) .
Shame they don`t do a Haynes manual for the s12, just for the bluebird. It would be cheaper too :p .

umpkin 02-04-2008 22:35


Originally Posted by silviagod (Post 21806)
The time control unit was not fitted to the UK Silvia. Both door switches connect together with a crimped insulated joint under the carpet behind the driver's seat and then head towards the front and the big connector that they call the Super Multiple Junction. If there has ever been dampness in the floor of the car the connection behind the drivers seat can corrode and both switches may stop working. The colour code for the wires is black with a red trace but there are more than one of the same colour. You will have to remove the lower front seatbelt anchorage point to lift the carpet and it may be easier to find it if you remove the driver's seat too.

sorry to resurect and old thread, but that was spot on my friend, i actually fixed it a month ago, but just thought id let you know it was the joint between the 3 wires just at the base of the back of the drivers seat, exactly where you said it would be.

so anyone else with intereior light probs ^^ what that guy said is your starting point.

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