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s12sweden 11-03-2011 10:37

sunny1600 : Is your Nissan Silvia S12 GP is your dream car ?

sunny1600 11-03-2011 10:43


Originally Posted by s12sweden (Post 36705)
sunny1600 : Is your Nissan Silvia S12 GP is your dream car ?

why you want to buy it :D

s12sweden 13-03-2011 12:43


Originally Posted by sunny1600 (Post 36706)
why you want to buy it :D

Your S12 GP is so expensive for me :D

sunny1600 22-03-2011 12:47

Car has been fixed for MOT.
Rear shocks replaced

This rubber has been replaced (dont know the name)

And its leeking here some at the gearbox

Took it for a wash

Took the car for MOT. Passed and took it for a good wash.
And then some driving. I was driving like 140kmh (like 90 mph) and then BANG! I was like WTF.
Didnt have a jack so I had to wait for a buddy of mine.


Fixed the car and just ordered new tires. Falken ZIEX 912


Maybe a mod can move this topic to member rides?

s12sweden 23-03-2011 23:30

not good , it is happen for anyone

sunny1600 30-03-2011 23:49

New tyres came in this week. Falken ZIEX 912

30/03/2011 Zeitronix AFR + gadgets

The last week I looked around for an AFR (Air Fuel Ratio) gauge. I PM-ed with some guys local that know alot of Nissans.

Finally decided to order some stuff from America. Why? With a wide-band I get a much better idea how my engine is running compared to a lambda-SR20 (narrow band). So I can see if the engine runs lean, too rich or good. The FJ20E has no lambda control and with this AFR the engine is well controlled.

So I bought an AFR with gauge.


This has become a Zeitronix, more precisely the ZT-2 with plenty of adjustment / reading possibilities.
The plans are to place an EGT (Exhaust Gas Temperature) gauge to be connected. This is something my S12 doesn't have yet. If you are going to tune it better to have a wideband and EGT sensor, this is the way you see what really happens. If you only have a wideband, you see only if the engine runs rich or lean. What you see is how hot or cold the exhaust and that is important, especially in turbo area. Keeping in mind the future plans, being a turbo on the FJ20, this is a logical choice.

I also have been thinking of a Apexi SAFC II. Skipped this plan quickly because the SAFC does not work on the current engine. This is because the FJ20E has no 0-5 volt throttle sensor. There is only open or closed and there are no intermediate steps. The Apexi has been referred to the fridge. Not as long as into the freezer for the project should not be that long.

What are the plans?

[b] [i] short term [/ i] [/ b]
Compression test and spark plugs replaced (The Nissan S12 workshop manual book
BPRS7ES BPRS6ES or-11-11).
Check the fuel pump and fuel pressure.

[b] [i] Slightly less short term [/ i] [/ b]
If the Zeitronix stuff arrives have that built in.

What do we monitor?
- Oil temperature
- Exhaust gas temperature
- Fuel pressure
- Water temperature

And what have we finally bought?
? Zeitronix Zt-2 + LCD Display Bundle in Black
? Fluid Temperature Sensor (1/8th NPT) 2x
? 2x 1/8th NPT Bung
? Exhaust Gas Temperature Probe
? Pressure Sensor (150 PSI / 10 Bar)
? Oxygen Sensor Bung
? Zeitronix Decal


s12sweden 31-03-2011 22:53

* Zeitronix AFR + gadgets * excellent buy you have done

ScoupeS12 01-04-2011 18:30

I'm not really familiar with the Zeitronix gear!? Is it generally hailed as good stuff? It seems to be all good from reading the description.

sunny1600 01-04-2011 18:42

Neither am I but I have been informed by 2 members of our Dutch nissanclub that do know what they are doing. It should give a good insight on how my engine is running and its a good device to "tune" the car.

ScoupeS12 02-04-2011 18:21

Cool. When it's fitted post up and let us all know what it's like to fit and if what it's like when it's working. Any ideas when it's going in?

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