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old-and-rusty 26-07-2007 21:59

Hi Dazz,
My Uncle used to be a drug courier...........he got five years for it :p ;)

Dazz 27-07-2007 18:36

Har har!!:D
All legal i tells ya!!

wacomuk 27-07-2007 19:19


Originally Posted by wacomuk (Post 11427)
i am a full time adult film star or porno star which ever you like, i do this through the week but at weekends i do male lap dancing, the club is packed out with woman every weekend cha ching!!

no one ever questioned this LOL :D

JackieFan 27-07-2007 19:32

So you mean it's not true? Dammit man you were my hero!

old-and-rusty 27-07-2007 19:47


Originally Posted by wacomuk (Post 19343)
no one ever questioned this LOL :D

I thought you only had a "small part" in the films though :p ;) .
P.s. I`m only jealous ;) ;)

boymostfoul 06-08-2007 11:08

I am run a Tea Room on a open farm, I employ 4 girlies (2 of 'em are 17 years, old blonde and... wait for it... twins!) so for me it's mostly tea, cakes and bullshit to pay my bills...
I started my own business up about 6 months back as well, and i'm iimporting JDM tuner wear, T'shirts, crews tops and hoodies... I've got Veilside on board, Jun, HKS, Signal, and soon to have West Coast Customs too... so i've been a busy lad...
Tho' i'd sack it all off to work in porn :p

PAT 06-08-2007 16:38

Royal Navy Submariner dont now y but is entertaning

PukkaSilvia 07-08-2007 23:44

Some really interesting jobs recently.:eek:

boymostfoul 08-08-2007 21:42

Yeah... I was well impressed by the Porn Star!
Tho' I do know one... Ms Bonnie Heart, personnal friend and top bird... she makes a mean coffee too! Check her out (it's all commision for these girls...) so nex time the misses asks, just tell her, you're supporting local business...

rpettafor 08-08-2007 23:51

I work here atm -


Wocketfast 09-08-2007 09:22

So it was you... :cool:

rpettafor 11-08-2007 15:26


Originally Posted by Wocketfast (Post 19549)
So it was you... :cool:



rob turbo 11-08-2007 21:03

im a porn star.

Anal distruction a specail.


boymostfoul 13-08-2007 02:04

Ahh.. the fist first, questions later kinda vibe...smooth...
You havn't lived untill you've drop an 'eagle claw' on the be-love'ed tho'...

duncan 23-08-2007 21:59

plans are afoot to move to uk in january:eek: i need a job. anyone know of any good websites i can look up? will probably be moving to south east area

JackieFan 23-08-2007 22:57

monster.co.uk got me a job within 30mins of posting my CV. Might be worth a crack, depends more on the type of work you're looking for I guess.

PukkaSilvia 23-08-2007 23:42

Duncans a Mechanic. South East is a good area to be in. You certainly dont want to be with the northern bastids;) Theres lots of jobs about

Got your pm. Il check the work calender and with claire but i recon that weekend should be ok to come over. I could most probably find you an auto job near me.

s13eater 24-08-2007 08:13

[quote=Pukkasilvia;20024]Duncans a Mechanic. South East is a good area to be in. You certainly dont want to be with the northern bastids;) Theres lots of jobs about

nowt up with us up here jon, if your going to live down there duncan beware of people selling you lucky heather and jellied eals, look out for :ghey people drinking earl gray :D ., they could get you to sell your s12 and buy a sunny.;)

JackieFan 24-08-2007 10:28

Pmsl ;)

PukkaSilvia 24-08-2007 18:32

shaun your such a batty. go blow a goat:trout

Im the founder of the earl grey appreciation society on facebook. All enthuisiasts welcome

s13eater 24-08-2007 19:12

[quote=Pukkasilvia;20043]shaun your such a batty. go blow a goat:trout

lol, id rather blow a goat than you:trout :D

PukkaSilvia 24-08-2007 23:41

nah id make you gag

JackieFan 25-08-2007 00:00

:illboy rough!

s13eater 25-08-2007 00:06


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia (Post 20054)
nah id make you gag

you would with all that oil behind your 5skin.;)

old-and-rusty 25-08-2007 11:25


Originally Posted by s13eater (Post 20057)
you would with all that oil behind your 5skin.;)

:D :D :D nice one. You can`t beat a northern sense of humour :D :D :D

duncan 25-08-2007 22:25

i do have to say that everyone we have met on this site has gone out of their way to help. it is very much appreciated:)
i'm begining to get like dr silvia with my posts though. they always seem to end up in a row:D :D

s13eater 25-08-2007 22:38


Originally Posted by duncan (Post 20070)
i do have to say that everyone we have met on this site has gone out of their way to help. it is very much appreciated:)
i'm begining to get like dr silvia with my posts though. they always seem to end up in a row:D :D

no mate, me and jon take the piss out of each other all the time, i think he know's i'am only avin a laugh, and good luck with your new plans mate, hope it all works out ok.;)

PukkaSilvia 26-08-2007 19:23

yeah we are only messing about. He knows id ave im if he ment it:1la

s13eater 26-08-2007 19:40


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia (Post 20088)
yeah we are only messing about. He knows id ave im if he ment it:1la

:gafite lol.

duncan 28-08-2007 22:34

thanks shaun. i know ye only takin the piss. gives the rest of us a bit of a laugh. roll on jan.....:cool:

johnny485 08-06-2008 22:09

Job Title
Hey! What's wrong with...... "Earl grey. Hot" tea?

I drink gallons O' the stuff, Better than that Tetley Sh1te.

I'm an RF engineer. Worked on various things such as Wimax systems,Radar,Laser weapons systems, In orbit Satellites...Yes! Porn Sat included.

Lot's really.

s13eater 08-06-2008 23:34

T is shite full stop, so is coffee, water is best;) .

johnny485 09-06-2008 20:33

T is sh1te
Then I hope you drink the bottled stuff :D

PukkaSilvia 09-06-2008 21:49


Originally Posted by johnny485 (Post 26360)
Then I hope you drink the bottled stuff :D

Reverse osmosis water for me. Nobody forces mass medication on me:furious

johnny485 09-06-2008 22:26

Reverse osmosis.
Are you taking the "P"? ;) Sorry...That would be me.:) I can arrange to have to have a crate of Lady Gray dropped by. :D

I saw your black beast on the site...Nice seats by the way. How long have you been into motorsport? Oh. I almost forgot, Great respect to you for your 120Y it's a cracker. I hope to be taking mine off the road in the next few months to strip her down and do a nice rebuild job, I've finished building my new facility now so it'll be full steam ahead soon as the Kadet is finished. That's 27 years old. Pictures when I'm done I think unless you really want to see before.

Kind regards,

johnnycab: :)

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