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s13eater 19-06-2007 00:49


Originally Posted by rob turbo (Post 18246)
yes shaun serious about S12. the silvia rules. i will be bringing a genny + my mate dave along with power to ANY domestic applience. :) as is bbq is on the way. :furious (hope they are more + food) + music courtsey of a pro DJ.

flood lights not a prob,!!

wanna make the S12 stand stand out.!

keeping it well large.!

:cool: , should be a good meet.;)

James H 19-06-2007 14:14

Thout u might like to see this


JackieFan 19-06-2007 14:36

Do we have to be near the Figaro owners, I've heard they are :wack

PukkaSilvia 19-06-2007 18:40

NO we dont. Claires gunna have a moan at the organiser as we made are position request and they okeyed it. Now they havnt done as they said they would.

s13eater 19-06-2007 18:50

its a long walk to the tent lol.:eek:

Claire 20-06-2007 08:44

I will sort this out. I asked Claire the organizer of JAE if the club stand could be in the same location as last year and we have been put at the other end of the map know one would even walk that far to come and look at the cars so I am really trying my hardest to get the stand moved. I will keep you updated.

Wocketfast 20-06-2007 12:54

I wonder if the "pure P10" will manage more than 3 cars on their massive stand this year :( last year we where oposite them and it was a joke. Other clubs with massivly overside stands v number of cars seemd to be
MR2 owners clubs (various)
Supra - was it ever more than half full?
a few scooby clubs.

Anyone else think these massive clubs, with doggy turn outs and part filled stands should be at the edge (so the wasted space is outside the show area) rather than in the middle? I think this makes for a very empty feeling show :(

PukkaSilvia 20-06-2007 14:14

your so right. It is a waste of space and if thats the way its going to work then next year we will have to book a 50 car plot too. If it ruins the feel of the show then its there own fault. Bigger clubs should be on the outskirts as it will make the main area more interesting

if you cant beat them join them.

We were put at the edge last year as were a small club but had a moan then and were moved. hopefully claire can sort it out with the organisers again for.

rob turbo 21-06-2007 23:15

dthe 'Figaro'.. they all should be set fire to & left to burn for the sh!t cars that they are.!!

we need the S12 stand to be in a decent area.!! typical 'common' clubs like the scoobie + supra's should be on the outskirts..

for ours to be in a good location, if not, kick off when we get there.!

got some reet possey comming down, disco, lights, camera, action speshal.!

we'll be promenet, up to them if they want it out in 'the sticks'

Claire 22-06-2007 09:04

Claire (JAE organizer) has moved our club stand to a similar location as last year, just waiting for the new map to be posted on the forum so I can see exactly where. :D

s12nelly16v 22-06-2007 09:08


Originally Posted by Claire (Post 18328)
Claire (JAE organizer) has moved our club stand to a similar location as last year, just waiting for the new map to be posted on the forum so I can see exactly where. :D

:D that's Good news !!! :D

Wocketfast 22-06-2007 09:39

excellent work, be nice to be in the middle, even if I would have thought I would be spending most of my time over at the ZX**

RichardK 23-06-2007 10:16

Do I not need to bring a generator now? Would prefer not to as it stinks in the car and leaks oil :(

Claire 23-06-2007 16:53

Come on we need more people to show their cars!! This turn out would be worse than last year. :( It is one weekend of the whole year and it would be a great opportunity to meet other s12 owners.

3-beany (even if i have to tow it there)
4-Jackiefan&Slimreaper project car
6-Rob Turbo
7-Japster (Den)
8-Duncan & Olivia

s13eater 23-06-2007 18:50

:( yes, surley more people can turn up, we had a good turn out on the first meet at the east of england show ground, come on get your ass's to jae.:)

Wocketfast 24-06-2007 14:02

I'll add mine back into the list, it got removed in all the copying and pasting :p Looking forward to putting faces to names.

3-beany (even if i have to tow it there)
4-Jackiefan&Slimreaper project car
6-Rob Turbo
7-Japster (Den)
8-Duncan & Olivia
10-Wocketfast (either Sat or Sun)

duncan 24-06-2007 21:40

haven't been on in a while. are rich and adz not going to jae???
we came across a bbq that we could take with us if that would help.
any one want proper guinness by the way?:D

RichardK 24-06-2007 22:09

I am going :)

I appear to have been referred to as Kimblebean!

I'd prefer something like SexGod or LargeCock or Stud.

But seems Kimblebean will do.


JackieFan 25-06-2007 09:54


Originally Posted by RichardK (Post 18369)
...I'd prefer something like SexGod or LargeCock or Stud....

With a Signature like yours.... not a chance ;)

RichardK 25-06-2007 10:45


Originally Posted by JackieFan (Post 18371)
With a Signature like yours.... not a chance ;)

My signature is highly sexual I'll have you know. I'm a poser and proud :1la :D

30psi 25-06-2007 10:46

Thats a very gay signature rich. VERY GAY

RichardK 25-06-2007 10:47


Originally Posted by 30psi (Post 18374)
Thats a very gay signature rich. VERY GAY

Give us a kiss then :eek:

30psi 25-06-2007 10:49

There's special forums for people like you...

JackieFan 25-06-2007 11:05


Originally Posted by RichardK (Post 18373)
My signature is highly sexual I'll have you know. I'm a poser and proud :1la :D

And so you should be! still won't be calling you "largecock" anytime soon, not for the reasons you'd like anyway ;)

nissan_turbs 25-06-2007 12:24

I'd like to come along this year- if you'll have me back :o :1la

However, I don't have an S12 to bring any more :(

PukkaSilvia 25-06-2007 21:43

lmao oh god that signature is as bad as your profile on facebook Rich..... :rolleyes:

Be great to see you Nissan Turbs. Havnt seen you in 2 years!.

Beany-s12 26-06-2007 00:35

so who's drivin down from essex sort of area? fancy taggin along!:D

rob turbo 01-07-2007 18:08

have we a final list of whos comming to the show then...

Claire 08-07-2007 19:28

There are still loads of spaces on the stand so please come along if you can ..... This is the list so far...

1-s13eater (showing car)
2-pukkasilvia&claire (showing car)
3-beany (even if i have to tow it there) (Showing car)
4-Jackiefan&Slimreaper project car (Showing car)
5-Kimblebean (Showing car)
6-Rob Turbo (Showing car)
7-Japster (Den) (Showing car)
8-Duncan & Olivia (Showing car)
10-Wocketfast (either Sat or Sun)
11 -Nissan Turbs (Not showing car)

We brought a marquee on ebay for £80 as we only had £65 in donations, but the marquee is rubbish so we have had to sell it and we would like this one for the club instead...


Its a tough PVC coated polyester so completely waterproof but as it is nearly £180. is anyone else willing to donate some money towards it? :D

Right here's the new layout for JAE, we are now behind SXOC, and next to ZXOC and Northants Jap club.


s13eater 08-07-2007 19:49

that means only 2 of us donated anything, i donated £30 and i think jackiefan donated £35, i would send some more, but i need 2 cheap tyers £130, a pair of spacers for the front £95, then get the dog injected for the kennels, so i'am a bit short, oh yeah and i've payed £700 deposit towards my clutch.:eek:

Beany-s12 08-07-2007 19:57

sorry guys shite had so much goin on letely forgot to send u a cheque! and forgot to buy me tickets! will sort a cheque tomorrow! can i still order tickets now or do i just wait till the day?

s13eater 08-07-2007 20:04

its a pity the silviagod ain't coming, if he's well enough, he should make an appearence, it would be good to see him there.:) come on paul.;) theres bigtim on here, he lives near me, he should get himself down there and morkai, he's only up the road.

Claire 08-07-2007 20:24

In the end we only got £30 from you Shaun (which is more than enough from you :) ), I lost Jackiefans cheque when I moved... oops :(

So we have to find £150 for the marquee, and we paid for the club stand plot :ghey If anyone can donate any money even £5, it all helps.

We have 2 entry slips for 'Show and Shine' we thought Kimbles car should be put forward, does anyone else want to enter the competition on behalf of the club?

Here is the updated list of stuff to bring to JAE...

BBQ-----need one more, does anyone have one?
Fire lighters-------Jackiefan and Claire
Generator---------Richardk or Slimreaper
Gazebo+Site Banner------Jon & Claire
beer------------Jon & Claire bringing 24 bottles of Stella
Burgers---everyone bring some
Sausages---everyone bring some
buns----everyone bring some
BBQ sauces
Soft Drinks------Jon& Claire bringing a couple of bottles
Rugs for inside Gazebo
Fold up chairs for inside gazebo------Bring your own

s13eater 08-07-2007 20:29

i'll be bringing 50 burgers and 50 sausages

Claire 08-07-2007 20:30


Originally Posted by Beany-s12 (Post 18725)
sorry guys shite had so much goin on letely forgot to send u a cheque! and forgot to buy me tickets! will sort a cheque tomorrow! can i still order tickets now or do i just wait till the day?

It would probably be easier for you to buy tickets at the gate now, I think it may be too late to send your cheque to 'The Organisation' for tickets :)

Not long to go now until JAE, can't wait should be good. Need to find out what the weathers going to be like ...

s13eater 08-07-2007 20:35


Originally Posted by Claire (Post 18732)

Not long to go now until JAE, can't wait should be good. Need to find out what the weathers going to be like ...

it will be pissing it down,lol.:D

rob turbo 09-07-2007 00:26

got my mate dave bringing a genny doen + some lighting + a mini disco..! im bringing some beers.. + some barrbies... owt else needed..>????

s13eater 09-07-2007 08:19

did you manage to get the silvia fixed rob ?:)

PukkaSilvia 09-07-2007 08:56


Originally Posted by Claire (Post 18730)
In the end we only got £30 from you Shaun (which is more than enough from you :) ),

Jackiefan Donated £35 and it was slimreapers that got shredded with your old banking stuff when we moved claire :)

And we bought a gazebo but it was cack once it arrived so we sold it for 30 quid more than we bought it on ebay .:rolleyes: :p .

We will be buying the gazebo that claires found this week. as its the last chance we will get. If we leave it later we risk not getting it on time..

More people should turn up. It really doesnt matter the condition of your s12. weve all had our s12 looking worse for wear mid project. Out cars are 20 years old, they havnt just come out the showroom like others

Wocketfast 09-07-2007 10:19


Originally Posted by s13eater (Post 18733)
it will be pissing it down,lol.:D

Well if its pissing down then at least I wont have to wash my car :D

looking forward to putting some names to faces etc, I'll stagger over from the zxoc in a sorry state Im sure.

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