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Claire 19-07-2006 12:22


Originally Posted by rob turbo
im comming down on friday afternoon/eve.. , what time do the gates shut for people entering the show...

You can arrive any when between 9am and Midnight on the friday. :)
Jon and I will be leaving about 3pm now because Jon is working friday morning. We should get to Peterborough just after 6pm.

s13eater 19-07-2006 16:09

i'll be there at about 11 am with tomo200 and me eldest daughter and her carfull.:)

PukkaSilvia 19-07-2006 21:43


Originally Posted by Claire
Jon and I will be leaving about 3pm now because Jon is working friday morning.

Only because your getting your hair cut and doing makeup n stuff. That deserves a trout :trout

rob turbo 19-07-2006 22:51

sweet, im there late afternoon

Claire 20-07-2006 12:13


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
Only because your getting your hair cut and doing makeup n stuff. That deserves a trout :trout

God your sooo cheeky. :poke I am actually going to the dentists, then doctors and then going to Brighton to get my hair cut. Its gonna be a mad rush in the morning. At least I will be nice and clean and not covered in oil like you :p :D

s13eater 20-07-2006 12:30


Originally Posted by Claire
God your sooo cheeky. :poke I am actually going to the dentists, then doctors and then going to Brighton to get my hair cut. Its gonna be a mad rush in the morning. At least I will be nice and clean and not covered in oil like you :p :D

lol,@ mod nash he just seemed to get dirtier and dertier:D , ive seen cleaner oil come out of my sump than on his hands;) pukka 3 words, soap and water lol;) .

30psi 20-07-2006 12:31



Go and have a bath you dirty shit!!

Dr Silvia 20-07-2006 13:21

some people work for a living:p :1la

btw whats wrong with hairdressers in haywards heath???

Claire 20-07-2006 14:16


Originally Posted by 30psi


Go and have a bath you dirty shit!!

Well what can I say, he obviously just loves to get dirty. ;)
Jons going home after work tomorrow so he can scrub up before we go to JAE :p

30psi 20-07-2006 14:19

Sounds like you're the boss there Claire ;)

Dr Silvia 20-07-2006 14:25

yeah i can hear her whip cracking from across town ona quiet night:p
she's a diva hehe

Claire 20-07-2006 14:36


Originally Posted by 30psi
Sounds like you're the boss there Claire ;)

;) I try to be :whip

rpettafor 20-07-2006 17:08


s13eater & family
Rob Turbo & Friend
Dr Silvia
Rickard K
Ken Finn
Duncan & Olivia
TOM0200 (friday??)
FLEXX (Saturday/Sunday)
Northerner (friday)
30psi (Sunday)

im afraid, due to unforseen circumstances, that i wont be able to make it this weekend:(

Claire 20-07-2006 17:22

Sorry to hear that you can not make it. More and more people are dropping out :(


s13eater & family
Rob Turbo & Friend
Rickard K
Ken Finn
Duncan & Olivia
TOM0200 (friday??)
FLEXX (Saturday/Sunday)
Northerner (friday)
30psi (Sunday)

We still have loads of space on the stand if anyone else can make it. :)

RichardK 20-07-2006 18:11

Is the generator required? If not please say as it STINKS the car out!

I was hoping to bring mine up on a trailer but I can't get one for the weekend GRRR.

I'll just have to drive it up with the air conditioning on :cool:


PukkaSilvia 20-07-2006 19:52

That depends if Adz is coming as he bought a TV up last time and i then bought up the playstation. Until he confirms i dont know im afraid.

RichardK 20-07-2006 20:27


i shall be there at the crack of dawn saturday as im working late fri.

ding dang do.

s13eater 20-07-2006 20:38

come on lads, lets not have anyone else drop out:( .

Claire 20-07-2006 20:48

please bring the generator Richard. We need to use it for our hair straighteners. pretty please :D

s13eater 20-07-2006 20:53


Originally Posted by s13eater
come on lads, lets not have anyone else drop out:( .

if duncan can make it from ireland, then we all should be able to make it,we've all knowen about this for ages, :p

RichardK 20-07-2006 20:56

I'll be there with bells on.

ok i'll bring it with me just for you girlies. lol

it's sitting here running off a big LPG bottle instead of petrol at the moment. amazing what a gas feed into the air filter housing can do lol

rob turbo 20-07-2006 23:29

i am bringing my DJ mate with me. the man that gives the real deal on the music front. he's keen on the sat. nite disco, may want to spin some discs & mix it up.

:furious :furious


s13eater 21-07-2006 06:51

not long now;) i'am all packed and ready to go,i'll find out where are stand is and pitch the tent the closest that i can get it to the stand.:cool: see you all there;) .

RichardK 21-07-2006 09:07

If electricity is needed quite a bit, can you guys bring a few cans of unleaded then for the generator? (or I can tap it off the cars ;))

datdrift 21-07-2006 16:09

looks like i wont be coming tonight:ghey my mate has to work late, but should be there tomorow morning, earlyish hopefully:)

PukkaSilvia 21-07-2006 17:34

No probs Datdrift. Yep tap it off my car Rich.

see you soon..

Stephanie S12 22-07-2006 11:39

Have a good one
Hi Guys

I hope you have a great time and wish I could be there - Hope to make the journey next year with my S12


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