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doski 31-10-2007 18:43

i will do a full how to once i have the finished spacers from my mate and have them fitted :)

Sharas 31-10-2007 18:50

Dosent the z31 have a 5 lug hub? Thou vented discs sound nice...

30psi 31-10-2007 18:53

Yeah, redrill them. Nothing is bolt on for the S12 so you have to adapt things to fit.

Ultimately you could run Z31 rear hubs, wack on some cheapo S13 coilovers and S14 hubs, fit a Z32 or S14 set of brakes and also convert to 5 stud at the same time.

Sharas 31-10-2007 19:58

Yeah i know, but all at once is abit costy for me at the moment (thats why i wanted some cheap stock rotors for the moment, too bad they dont exist).
So if im going z32 front, i guess then the better option would be m3 rotors, instead of z32/s14. But then it struck me while going home: i most probably wont fit a r15 wheele on this setup, and thats bad because i would need new rims and them damn expensive r16 winter tiers :mad:. Damn what to do....

Sharas 02-11-2007 11:53

What about z32 rear hubs/brakes?

sideways danny 02-11-2007 12:39


Originally Posted by Sharas (Post 21387)
What about z32 rear hubs/brakes?

doubtful, look at z31 stuff though, not sure how good they are but might be worthwhile

Speedycougar 02-11-2007 14:45

With regard to the M3 Rotors, I would say that they are pretty darn heavy. You might get better peformance buy getting custom bells and rotors? (Although at a much greater expense :( )


Sharas 10-11-2007 10:51

Scored myself some decently priced rotors :) These
And ill be getting some z31 rear ones, they seem to be the same as s12 (290mm x 10mm, dont know other specs) just 5 hole.

This just proves yet again that you just have to give ebay some time, and youll find what you want.

Now the next question is brake pades. I could only find some greenstuff and balck diamond predator. I would rather not buy ebc so this leaves with black diamond, anybody know anything about these pads? Or maybe its possible to get some other pads, like ferodo...

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