S12OC UK Forum

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Oscar 03-03-2008 20:16

im stil playing gt4 on ps2 lol

PukkaSilvia 03-03-2008 21:10

yeah add me.

Ive got forza motorsport 2 but havnt played it since i got cod4.

There going to be some additional online maps in a couple of months......Look forward to them

Im currently 55 prestige 2 with golden desert eagle,golden shotgun and golden mini uzi, Half way to getting the golden AK...........lol

Im addicted to Call of Duty 4 and im proud of it

rpettafor 04-03-2008 01:25


Originally Posted by Wagsie (Post 24582)
I know this is a thread about the Xbox 360 , and I do have one , but has anyone got a PS3 ?
If you have add me , same name as my forum name , also the same on the 360 but my live subs run out and as the PS3 is free to play online I'm sticking with that :D

ive got a ps3, my username is also the same as my forum name:)

Wagsie 04-03-2008 07:31


Originally Posted by rpettafor (Post 24634)
ive got a ps3, my username is also the same as my forum name:)

Cool I'll add yah later

lmrdave 04-03-2008 09:04

We need an S12 clan!

I'm a bit of a late starter on COD4 but am something Like Level 40 5th Prestige (I like using all the different weapons, get 150 kills then move on to the next, digital camo is about the best I've got so far).

K/D ratio is about 2.23, biggest kill streak is 32

Generally play headquarters.

Oscar 04-03-2008 13:13

the brother in laws is biggest kill streak is well over 100+

lmrdave 04-03-2008 16:14

Must me either insanely good / lucky or cheats :1la

PukkaSilvia 04-03-2008 19:21

it must be a different game.max score is only 750 so it wouldnt go that far

32 kill streak is awesome, you must of had a bit of luck with airstrikes on spawn points. and a couple of hele attacks. im using 3xfrag,overkill and dead silence perks with the red tiger p90 and m21 sniper with advanced scope

Oscar 04-03-2008 19:50

he is! Look 4 a bluewolf69

PukkaSilvia 04-03-2008 19:53

that gamertag does not exist on xbox live

you could kill 100 people on shipment on domination by just throwing 3 grenades and running around in circles as that is a stupid game to play but other than that it wouldnt happen. not as a streak ie 100 kills without dying once

Saying that i suppose there could be a glitch in the game somewhere people are using

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