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zxocmars 07-03-2008 22:01


Originally Posted by Oscar (Post 24733)
would standard auto box take the power of a det?

Depends how hard you treat it,

A standard manual apparently can't withstand sustained abuse from a standard ET


Oscar 07-03-2008 22:05

good point...

zxocmars 07-03-2008 22:07

I think I read somewhere, (here or zxoc) that a standard auto should be good for upto 350hp under "normal" conditions

Not sure if that's true though

s13eater 08-03-2008 08:17

i think the silvia god says around 200bhp before it starts to slip, my auto box must be shot as it slips @ 12psi with just an airfilter mod :o

PukkaSilvia 08-03-2008 10:51


Originally Posted by zxocmars (Post 24736)
A standard manual apparently can't withstand sustained abuse from a standard ET

who ever started that rubbish off either has never checked/serviced there gearbox oil and cant change gear properly.

Also i have never read anywhere about an s12 autobox handling 350hp. I would trust silviagods experience here. sorry if this sounds rude,i dont mean it too be

Oscar 08-03-2008 13:46

i shall also then! Cheers

old-and-rusty 08-03-2008 14:14

TBH my autobox couldn`t handle 200bhp :( . The gearbox couldn`t cope with the kickdown. I had the box fully reconditioned too and it still let me down.

I would definately go the manual route, if you are looking at higher power outputs.


Oscar 08-03-2008 15:19

well im hoping 2 do the sr20, sometime in the future, but 2 save hassle felt like doing the det conversion 4 now, with auto as i can get nearly everything 4 free or very cheap. And do the manual when i do the sr,

old-and-rusty 09-03-2008 11:55

I guess if the parts aren`t going to cost much it`s not too bad if the autobox goes boom ;) ...LOL... As long as you are careful with the kickdown, you should be okay. My box used to expire when I got to eager with the right foot...LOL....


sjef200sxTurbo 11-11-2008 17:34

Power transistor?
I never hear anyone about the power transistor (DIS-4 modulle)
I found out that its not on the engine loom but on the chassis loom.
Cant figure out how to hook that up.

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