S12OC UK Forum

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s13eater 09-07-2007 12:09

yeah, same as jon says, it don't matter if your car ain't as bling as mr richard k's, mine needs both front wings, i just ain't had the money to have my new ones sprayed yet, just get them s12's down there and give us some support;) .

Claire 09-07-2007 13:12


Originally Posted by Wocketfast (Post 18754)
Well if its pissing down then at least I wont have to wash my car :D

looking forward to putting some names to faces etc, I'll stagger over from the zxoc in a sorry state Im sure.

You wont have to stagger far because our stand is next to ZXOC HAHA :p

Wocketfast 09-07-2007 13:59

sweet I can park on the dividing line. Now I have to choose which side gets the more rusty arches :p

PukkaSilvia 09-07-2007 18:33

zxoc can have the rusty side, ;) Get Terry to park next you you aswell. Its worked out quite well. It will be good to see Terry again. We can all have one big party now:p

Claire 09-07-2007 19:49


Originally Posted by Wocketfast (Post 18759)
sweet I can park on the dividing line. Now I have to choose which side gets the more rusty arches :p

Which side is more rusty? Because we will have drivers side :p

I told Claire (JAE organizer) that its good bcoz we are on the mad party side of the showground. 200SX usually have loads going on and with ZXOC and S12OC side by side things could get a bit out of hand :D :cool:

rob turbo 09-07-2007 21:48

unknown if silvia fixed just yet shaun. still trying to pull out all the stops to make my beast get there

Wocketfast 10-07-2007 09:27

Terry doesnt have his S12 any more, its been sold to Mars from the ZXOC I'm not sure Terry will even be there :(

Looking forward to the chaos though, this should be fun. :D

s13eater 10-07-2007 09:42


Originally Posted by rob turbo (Post 18788)
unknown if silvia fixed just yet shaun. still trying to pull out all the stops to make my beast get there

if its not fixed theres always next year mate, i'am only in the std mk2 auto, at least your turning up and giving us so tunes:) .

Wagsie 10-07-2007 14:13

I sold my S12 ages ago , but I will try and make it , just to see the cars ;)

So hopefully i'll see you all there , and if i do I will pop over and say hi :D

sirmarky 10-07-2007 19:11

Anyone here arriving friday evening ?
im on zxoc with my s12 , but no doubt during the day/s i can put it amongst your s12's ?
looking forward to a crazy event this year :D ,
see you all at JAE 2007


PukkaSilvia 10-07-2007 19:21

yup me and claire are there friday. Ive got the friday off this year so that i dont have to get there at 11pm again

Claires coming in her modified civic as well.Its pretty smart

mr_turbo 10-07-2007 19:26

im guessing s12oc has a stand then?? wot is the date of the jae i wana go b good to meet few people as well!!

Beany-s12 10-07-2007 19:27

i'm leavin from stansted at 8.30am with the sxoc convoy from my area!
whose gonna be there early?

PukkaSilvia 10-07-2007 19:28

Im aiming for lunchtime friday arrival so that i can start on the beers earlier also means we can get the gazebo up in the daylight and not on the sat morning.

Il be passing clacket lane services,thurrock services around 12ish friday if anyone wants to meet for a convoy from either of them

weve bought a new gazebo now.

Here is the item on ebay if anyone is interested


here is the jae webpage for anyone that needs it


s13eater 10-07-2007 19:51

that looks good jon.:cool:

sirmarky 10-07-2007 21:32

thats big !
you might have an argument on if it rains as to who is gonna put their car in it !


rob turbo 11-07-2007 20:57

im there on friday, be the afternoon.. with some surprises.. ;)

slimreaper 12-07-2007 01:49

Don't think i'm gonna be able to make JAE this year:mad: Stuck in scotland working in the middle of the sea and it looks like i'll be here for a few weeks yet:( but Jackiefan will be there hopefully with my car providing he gets the the driveshafts built for the lsd by then. But still at least while i'm up here i'm building up a good fund for my new toy;) So that also means I won't be able to bring a genny or any flood lights from work, Sorry people.

Claire 12-07-2007 09:04

Sorry to hear that you won't be able to make it to JAE :( Hopefully you can make it next year.

Ok so heres the new list....

1-s13eater (showing car)
2-pukkasilvia&claire (showing car)
3-beany (even if i have to tow it there) (Showing car)
4-Jackiefan (Showing car)
5-Kimblebean (Showing car)
6-Rob Turbo (Showing car)
7-Japster (Den) (Showing car)
8-Duncan & Olivia (Showing car)
10-Wocketfast (either Sat or Sun)
11 -Nissan Turbs (Not showing car)
12 - Mr Turbo

Rob Turbo can you bring a generator?

rob turbo 12-07-2007 22:05

i bring a genny, flood lights, a dj, + equipment, & all the sockets you can plug your appliances into.!




that ok..... :D

s13eater 12-07-2007 22:07


Originally Posted by rob turbo (Post 18856)
i bring a genny, flood lights, a dj, + equipment, & all the sockets you can plug your appliances into.!




that ok..... :D

good man;) lookin forwards to it.:cool:

s13eater 12-07-2007 22:18

you would think gripo would come ! your 400m hurdling days are over, get over it and come to jae, your never gonna get a gold, so join us hasbeans at JAE. lol.;) :D

thebigdoc 12-07-2007 22:18

Hi Im Robturbo's friend and ex s12 owner.
Im comming down with rob to show with generator and floodlights.
If room in my car will bring some sounds n' stuff.
If anyone wants to bring any home comforts such as "Beer Fridge" its not a problem to connect!
Hope the weather is good or at least as good as last year.
Loads of sunshine and bits of hurricane.
See you there folks!

s13eater 12-07-2007 22:21

are you the music man who i was talkin too ?,

thebigdoc 12-07-2007 22:23


s13eater 12-07-2007 22:25


Originally Posted by thebigdoc (Post 18861)

brill, i will bore yo 2 death again askin you who sung such an such:D .

thebigdoc 12-07-2007 22:28

Hey im a "Train Spotter" when it comes to music and cars will enjoy your company again!

s13eater 12-07-2007 22:34


Originally Posted by thebigdoc (Post 18863)
Hey im a "Train Spotter" when it comes to music and cars will enjoy your company again!

:D cool, me and stell av bear sesions, quizin each other with the guiness book of hit singles, well, not for years now, but we used to.:)

thebigdoc 12-07-2007 22:44

Don,t ask about too much new stuff cos im semi retired.
More DLT than Pete Tong these days.
In leccy business now so have a spare genny to bring along plus lights.
Loads of spare capacity for "BEER FRIDGES"
Subtle hints there!!!!!!!!!!!!

rob turbo 12-07-2007 22:45

looking forward to it my man.


thebigdoc 12-07-2007 22:48

Rob it's a Primera not a TARDIS!
Will fill it to roof anyway!
Might need Rob to bring some beer!
Another Hint!
Laptop N' some speakers for sure.

thebigdoc 12-07-2007 22:52

Im more into drinking guiness these days! lol!

s13eater 12-07-2007 23:03

yeah, that whats fecked my memory up, drinking,but i can still drive, so thats not so bad.:D

thebigdoc 12-07-2007 23:23

Great Alzheimer's is beer realated!
I hope i don't forget to come to jae!
Writing myself a note "just in case"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thebigdoc 12-07-2007 23:25

Nissan s12 WHATS THAT?

thebigdoc 12-07-2007 23:25

Just Kidding!

PukkaSilvia 12-07-2007 23:43

Hi. I remember speaking to you last year. You said you might build a concourse s12 one day in a drunken speach:p

Still waiting

thebigdoc 12-07-2007 23:53

Would love to get an s12 back to its original glory but still a pipe dream for me im afraid!
Too busy doing the 9 to 5 grind!
But Salute you guys who have proper cars!
Mabee one day!

Claire 13-07-2007 08:35


Originally Posted by rob turbo (Post 18856)
i bring a genny, flood lights, a dj, + equipment, & all the sockets you can plug your appliances into.!




that ok..... :D

Thats excellent, thats more than enough. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Has anyone got a small fridge that is going spare that they could bring to JAE?? Shell, Jon and I will be bring extra cool bags/boxes but they still never keep food and drink cold for long enough.

s13eater 13-07-2007 12:28

if no fridge, we'll have to sent out for some bags of ice.

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