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Oscar 04-03-2008 20:00

right il txt him

Oscar 04-03-2008 20:13

BlueWolf69 wont b on til friday, thats his xbox thingy

PukkaSilvia 04-03-2008 20:23

it must have a - in the middle or something as xbox live says that name doesnt exist.

Id like to know how you do it. As i have just found someone at the top of global rankings with 280 kill streak.Theres no way theres not a glitch for this

Oscar 04-03-2008 20:26

fuckknows then lol

lmrdave 05-03-2008 12:30


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia (Post 24653)
it must be a different game.max score is only 750 so it wouldnt go that far

32 kill streak is awesome, you must of had a bit of luck with airstrikes on spawn points. and a couple of hele attacks. im using 3xfrag,overkill and dead silence perks with the red tiger p90 and m21 sniper with advanced scope

Mostly gun/grenade kills, it was on district so airstrike and chopper would have been next to useless (and oncourse as it's a streak I only got one of each), think i had a silenced MP5 then picked up a M16A2 with red dot, I just couldn't miss, only time I've seen people spawn and run away. Lady luck was smiling on me that day! :D

I use alsorts, whatever I haven't got 150 kills on yet.

What game modes do you play on then Pukka??

lmrdave 05-03-2008 12:33


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia (Post 24661)
it must have a - in the middle or something as xbox live says that name doesnt exist.

Id like to know how you do it. As i have just found someone at the top of global rankings with 280 kill streak.Theres no way theres not a glitch for this

Most if not all of the top ranking in the world cheat, was on COD4 forum the otherweek and a guy was explaining how it did it, all too high tech for the likes of me!

Oscar 05-03-2008 13:57

BluWolf69 and his dad PlaidWolf

PukkaSilvia 05-03-2008 19:52


Originally Posted by lmrdave (Post 24670)
Mostly gun/grenade kills, it was on district so airstrike and chopper would have been next to useless (and oncourse as it's a streak I only got one of each), think i had a silenced MP5 then picked up a M16A2 with red dot, I just couldn't miss, only time I've seen people spawn and run away. Lady luck was smiling on me that day! :D

I use alsorts, whatever I haven't got 150 kills on yet.

What game modes do you play on then Pukka??

Smart sounds like i need some smiles from lady luck. Well done

I only play Search and destroy,team tactical and hardcore search and destroy now as im not trying to rank up anymore. I find the deathmatches too rambo now as ive spent nearly 7 days total gameplay doing them.there good fun but a little repetitive. lol

im hoping the new map pack will incorporate the night vision a bit more

ritchie_supra 19-04-2008 18:39

XBOX 360 all the way COD4. - gamertag - RICHGSI

Pukkasilvia doing what he does best - Call Of Duty 4 on XBOX 360


PukkaSilvia 19-04-2008 19:01

lol at 'the gamestation headquarters'

Where not sad honestly lol:p

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