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duncan 14-07-2007 12:04

i'm gutted to say i won't be able to make it to jae this year. :( :furious
a donation will be made to the marqee fund as soon as i have the cash to spare. really pissed that i can't go. hope ye all enjoy

s13eater 14-07-2007 12:34


Originally Posted by duncan (Post 18910)
i'm gutted to say i won't be able to make it to jae this year. :( :furious
a donation will be made to the marqee fund as soon as i have the cash to spare. really pissed that i can't go. hope ye all enjoy

sorry to hear that mate:( , hope you make it next year.:)

duncan 14-07-2007 21:52

i retract my previous statement:o
had a bad day. boat is now booked so we are definitely going:cool:

s13eater 14-07-2007 22:13


Originally Posted by duncan (Post 18924)
i retract my previous statement:o
had a bad day. boat is now booked so we are definitely going:cool:

you:furious , lol, you had me there, your one dedicated s12 owner, be good to see you, take it easy and we'll see you there.:cool: ;)

Claire 14-07-2007 23:50


Originally Posted by duncan (Post 18924)
i retract my previous statement:o
had a bad day. boat is now booked so we are definitely going:cool:

Thank god your coming along :D you had me panicking for a bit. When will you get there friday or saturday?

Stephanie S12 15-07-2007 06:02

Saturday or Sunday ?

Will all the S12's be at JAE on Saturday only ? As I could possibly make the stand on Sunday ?



Claire 15-07-2007 09:35


Originally Posted by Stephanie S12 (Post 18929)

Will all the S12's be at JAE on Saturday only ? As I could possibly make the stand on Sunday ?



Hi, we will be there friday, saturday and sunday. It would be great if you could come along :D

s13eater 15-07-2007 20:18

the 7 day weather has given it cloudy no rain friday and sunday, but rain on saturday, so i'll get the tent up friday afternoon, then have a few beers, then spend saturday in the tent and gazebo getting p!ssed, (as usual), then sunday staggering around the cars with a hangover, thats after stell has lined my stomach with bacon buttys:D .:D

s13eater 16-07-2007 17:04

ABSOLUTLEY FUCKIN DISGUSTING, well it looks like this will be the first jae i have not gone to in 5 years, no wonder there is no prices on there site, its £20 PER PERSON AND £6 PER CHILD, THEN £10 PER TENT, that makes it £88 for me, I JUST CAN'T AFFORD THAT plus petrol and food, then pay for 4 days for the dog in the kennles, no wonder kieth purdon from the ntoc fell out with this event, he always said it was a money making scam,BASTIDS.

Claire 16-07-2007 18:56

Nooooo :( your coming. Just checking on a few prices but I think this info is correct....

Adult Club members: £15 per person

Camping: Is free for club members, only the general public have to pay for camping.

Children: Just checking the prices, but I am sure under a certain age they get in free.

s13eater 16-07-2007 18:59


Originally Posted by Claire (Post 18991)
Nooooo :( your coming. Just checking on a few prices but I think this info is correct....

Adult Club members: £15 per person

Camping: Is free for club members, only the general public have to pay for camping.

Children: Just checking the prices, but I am sure under a certain age they get in free.

stella emailed claire williams 2day, she said kids are £6 each under 12, tasha, me and stell are £20 each, then £10 for the tent.

s13eater 16-07-2007 19:02

Hi Stella

Thank you for your email. Adults are £20 per person, Children under 12 are £6. Tents are £10. So I make that £88 for the whole weekend arriving Friday and leaving Sunday.

Thank you
----- Original Message -----
From: stella ashmore
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 11:32 AM
Subject: how much ?


could you please let me know how much it will cost me & my family for the whole weekend friday - sunday at JAE

2 adults

4 children ages 6, 7, 9, & 15.

1 tent

1 car




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Claire 16-07-2007 19:06

Did you explain that you are showing a car? On the JAE website it says that adult tickets for members are £15 each and camping for the general public is £10 as they have to camp outside of the showground.

I have emailed Claire and I will get back to you tomorrow :)

Claire 16-07-2007 19:08

That email suggests that you are the general public and not a club member showing a car.

I will text Claire now. :)

s13eater 16-07-2007 19:12


Originally Posted by Claire (Post 18996)
That email suggests that you are the general public and not a club member showing a car.

I will text Claire now. :)

cheers claire, probley me not explained myself right and raging over nothing as usual:rolleyes: :o , let me know as soon as you know ,cheers.

rpettafor 16-07-2007 21:00

I think i'll be popping along for the saturday and sunday:D i just need someone to bring a small freezer for my jager supply;)

Claire 17-07-2007 14:31

Think things may change now slightly. I was driving to work this morning and someone drove straight into the side of my new civic. Been to A&E this morning have whiplash, bad back and a few cuts etc. My car has been completely written off and as I am only third party fire and theft it looks like I will have to pay out for another new car. Im broke as it is so dont think I will be coming to JAE :( :( :(

I can't really go to JAE in Jon's car because the car will be grounding all the way up there with the weight of the marquee as well as everything else. Is there anyone that is coming from down this way or that can meet Jon half way to take some of the marquee in their car?
Im gutted coz I have been organizing this for months and now all my plans are completely wrecked :( :(


s13eater 17-07-2007 14:45

bloody hell claire:eek: , thats a mess, glad to hear your not seriousley injured, you seem to have struggled all year to get things together, but everything seemed to be going ok towards the end, now this happens to you:( , hope someone can give jon a hand, i'am totaly full and in the wrong direction.

JackieFan 17-07-2007 15:19

Shit! That's on your side of the car and everything! If it was their fault you should be able to claim it from their insurance though regardless of your cover level.

I hope you can find a away of getting there. I'll happily give you a lift Saturday Morning if you can suffer the lack of sterio/interior and bucket seat for most the journey :o

30psi 17-07-2007 15:40

Hope you're ok Claire, that sounded nasty :( Don't worry about the car, as long you aren't seriously injured thats all that matters. I'm sure some arrangements can be made for the weekend anyway :)

Claire 17-07-2007 19:09


Originally Posted by JackieFan (Post 19018)
Shit! That's on your side of the car and everything! If it was their fault you should be able to claim it from their insurance though regardless of your cover level.

I hope you can find a away of getting there. I'll happily give you a lift Saturday Morning if you can suffer the lack of sterio/interior and bucket seat for most the journey :o

Thanks to JackieFan, I will now be going to JAE on saturday and sunday. He is coming all the way from Newbury down to Sussex to pick me up, to then turn round and drive all the way up to Peterborough :)

Thanks for the nice msgs. Feeling pretty rubbish but hopefully by saturday I will feel a lot better :)

s13eater 17-07-2007 19:31

i have a herbal remedy that will ease the pain ;) :D .good on ya jackiefan.

duncan 17-07-2007 21:50

jesus:eek: glad to hear you are ok claire. was not expecting to see that when i checked this thread.
hope the bastard that hit you gets screwed:furious
on a completely different note, we should land in peterbourough early sat morning. boat docks in fishguard at 1:45 am, just the all night drive after that:D
i'm not half as dedicated as i should be to the cause shaun. my car has gone backwards since the t25 lunched itself at easter. can't get time to do anything to it
we'll bring plenty band aids:D and fair play to jackiefan for steppin up. you get a free pat on the back mate:D

s13eater 18-07-2007 18:50

not long now, i've got 40 sausages and 36 burgers and 30 cheese slice's, just got to fetch the beer 2moz and get it in the freezer overnite, i hope we can get plenty of pics this year and get them up on the site.we need to pester mr kimble now, we need his immaculate s12 on the stand;) .come on rich, don't let us down.:)

rob turbo 18-07-2007 23:48

i still have a fridge on the way, all be it a small one, can store food in there

Claire 19-07-2007 08:39


Originally Posted by rob turbo (Post 19040)
i still have a fridge on the way, all be it a small one, can store food in there

Excellent :D How are you going to get all this stuff in your car???

BBQ-----Jon & Claire
Charcoal-------Jackiefan and Claire& Jon
Fire lighters-------Jackiefan and Claire & Jon
Generator---------Rob Turbo
Gazebo+Site Banner------Jon & Claire
beer------------Jon & Claire
beer------------Everyone bring some
Burgers---everyone bring some
Sausages---everyone bring some
buns----everyone bring some
BBQ sauces------
Soft Drinks------Jon& Claire bringing a couple of bottles
Floodlighting----------Rob Turbo
Rugs for inside Gazebo----
Fold up chairs for inside gazebo------Bring your own
Fridge------Rob Turbo

rpettafor 19-07-2007 12:18

I'll bring a load of sauces, if no-one else is, oh and some vodka and jager:D

Beany-s12 19-07-2007 22:13

hi ain't been on for a while as my broadband shite itself! have pm'd about takin some weight tomorrow if any help!

Claire 20-07-2007 00:10

I have some good news, it seems like the weather may be good saturday and sunday.
Friday raining all day (but thats alright bcoz I wont b there haha), Saturday sunny and cloudy 17degrees, sunday sunny and cloudy 20 degrees. Lets just hope it stays like that, but wouldnt mind it being a bit hotter :cool:

See you all there :)

s13eater 20-07-2007 07:16

i'll bring my flippers, wet suite and boat, just in case.:D

JackieFan 20-07-2007 07:45

Yeah, even if the weather cheers up the ground is still going to be pretty swampy! Don't be surprised if I pick you up in some kind of Ark tomorrow Claire ;)

Still really looking forward to this weekend though!! :D :D :D

old-and-rusty 20-07-2007 12:14

With a bit of luck, I might be seeing you all at next years JAE (see my first post in the newbie section :rolleyes: ).

Don`t worry, I`m not really a nutter, the medication seems to be working just fine now :eek:


Wocketfast 20-07-2007 18:15

just got back from being washed out of camping, so I hope the ground at rhe JAE is a little drier ;)

Wish I'd been online earlier as I'm in West Sussex, maybe I can do the return journey?

Will be up tomorrow at some point, but after a week of amping I need a good nights sleep more than an early start :trout

Claire 20-07-2007 18:20


Originally Posted by Wocketfast (Post 19069)
just got back from being washed out of camping, so I hope the ground at rhe JAE is a little drier ;)

Wish I'd been online earlier as I'm in West Sussex, maybe I can do the return journey?

Will be up tomorrow at some point, but after a week of amping I need a good nights sleep more than an early start :trout

If you could help out on the return journey that would be great, there r 2 girlies (Me & Shell) and a marquee to bring home. Jons leaving this evening, and Shell and I r leaving with Jackiefan 2moro AM. But we could do with some help on the return journey if your offering :D

See you 2moro at some point, go and get some sleep ;)

slimreaper 20-07-2007 23:53

Right i will be at jae now, just finished fitting the LSD, all i gotta do now is fill it with diff oil, clear all the tools out of the car, give it a quick wash and polish, buy a tent:rolleyes: and i'll be on my merry way tomorrow lunch time:D hopefully be there by 2-3ish. So i'll see you good folks tomorrow afternoon.

Beany-s12 22-07-2007 18:32

just got back! apart from all the rain (and a moody security bloke) was a good weekend! was good meetin u all!
see u next year for some tea cakes:D

s13eater 22-07-2007 18:51


Originally Posted by Beany-s12 (Post 19085)
just got back! apart from all the rain (and a moody security bloke) was a good weekend! was good meetin u all!
see u next year for some tea cakes:D

lol, you bring the tea cakes and i'll bring the butter ;) ,
you must of had your foot down, i've not been long.catch ya next jae mate,
it was a good laugh.:D

Beany-s12 22-07-2007 18:53

just cruisin between 70 and 85 most of the way! no traffic so wasn't a bad run

James H 22-07-2007 19:11

Good to meet you guys (briefly) hope to be up & with youproperly next JAE.

rpettafor 22-07-2007 20:01

Just got back too. not a bad run either:)

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