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30psi 29-01-2007 01:00

Yeh no probs with the discs

Beany-s12 29-01-2007 01:01

sorted! do u want me to bring u the money before u go to meet rich?

30psi 30-01-2007 10:36

Unfortunately its gonna be hard on my schedule if I meet Rich tonight, as I gotta get ready to go to the US.

Wacomuk, Beany, Umpkin - Is this an issue to you gents?

Beany-s12 30-01-2007 20:00

i'm fine with it! wot'll happen bout bits? do they need collecting or arrange postage?

wacomuk 30-01-2007 21:09

as long as i get the cash its fine with me. rich may have a prob with holding the parts

Beany-s12 30-01-2007 21:17

is 30psi having the rack? if u can get back to me with a price of discs posted i'll c bout using my someones paypal/posting check

RichardK 30-01-2007 22:13


Originally Posted by Beany-s12
i'm fine with it! wot'll happen bout bits? do they need collecting or arrange postage?

I will be meeting Martin next Wed (i think?) so I can hand them over then.

Storage is no problem :)

wacomuk 30-01-2007 22:23


Originally Posted by Beany-s12
is 30psi having the rack? if u can get back to me with a price of discs posted i'll c bout using my someones paypal/posting check

the disks are £30 rich has them

umpkin 30-01-2007 23:05

no probs with me, your doing me the favour, so i wouldnt demand days and times, im in no hurry, just gimme a PM when you got the bits, and we shall arrange a meet day, best for me will be a weekend.

cheers guys.

adzs12 30-01-2007 23:18

Rich where are you meeting martin?

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