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ChEsTeR 12-12-2006 20:58

GP edition Fenders
Hello. Recently i had acuired a set of all four fenders and sideskirts from a silvia GP. I'm planing on puting them on but id like to make a copy of them for me and my friend just to have a spare set if something hapens. I wonder if any one of u guys would be interested in a set of those. If more people where interested it would make the price of a set much lower. If the order is around 18 sets the price would be something like 300 EUR for whole body kit.
What do u say about that.

s13eater 12-12-2006 22:28

i'd like to see some pics of the kit, i know what it looks like, but i'd like to see the copies, then i might be interested.:D

ChEsTeR 12-12-2006 23:02

First i need to know haw many people would be interested then i can make a copy

s13eater 12-12-2006 23:05

we need to see the quality of your work first mate:) no one will buy, or be interested without pictures of the product mate.

ChEsTeR 12-12-2006 23:19

It is not my work. I will order a firm to do it. I dont have the tools or the experience to perform such a work. This company make fibergalss part for many buyer and i supose it will be an exact copy of what i will give him. Making one copy just to show u what i looks like would cost me quite a lot of money.
Lets asume this will have the quaity that will reach you demands.
When i will see that there are some people interested i will borow the money and make a copy. And send u the pictures what it looks like.

PukkaSilvia 12-12-2006 23:21

Look forward to seeing some pictures. It would be nice to have them available at a good price

ChEsTeR 13-12-2006 00:11

Ok so there is a bit of intrest. I wil tell u tomorow if i can make a copy to show u and when it will be.

FLEXXX 13-12-2006 15:24

i would be intrested in the wide arcgh GP kit if it was in good quality can can you post a pic of your car as i cant seem to see what side skirts it came with

ChEsTeR 13-12-2006 16:30

This is not on my car yet. I have a 1.8T s12 and the sideskirts are from origan GP.
ileke this one http://users.pandora.be/HansDeraedt/...%20800x535.jpg

turbomike 13-12-2006 17:14

300 euros is about £202,any ideas how much the postage costs might be to england?

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