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PukkaSilvia 03-01-2006 16:01

Fault codes(thanks Umpkin)
I have the haynes bluebird manual. will type as its written to check the fault codes.

1. Remove the retaining bolts and pull the ECU out so you can handle it.
2. Make sure the diagnostic screw is fully counterclockwise using a small screwdriver.
3. Turn the ignition switch on. if the engine will not start, turn it over on the starter for at least 2 seconds before starting self diagnosis.
4. Check that both LEDs light up, use a small screwdriver to gently turn the diagnosis mode selector fully clockwise.
5. Depress the accelerator pedal once, then release it.
6. Start the engine and allow it to idle. (i guess you ignore this if it wont start)
7. On executive models, switch off the air con, switch it on again, then switch it off.
8. watch the LEDs and write down the code/s displayed. Compare on table below (this should also be printed ontop of the ECU casing)

11 - 1 red flash, 1 green flash = faulty distributor/crank angle sensor
12 - 1 red flash, 2 green flashes = faulty airflow meter or circuit
13 - 1 red flash, 3 green flashes = faulty water temp sensor or circuit
21 - 2 red flashes, 1 green flash = faulty ignition system
22 - 2 red flashes, 2 green flashes = faulty fuel pump or circuit
23 - 2 red flashes, 3 green flashes = faulty throttle valve switch or circuit
31 - 3 red flashes, 1 green flash = no fault (exec models = no sgnal from air con)
32 - 3 red flashes, 2 green flashes = faulty det (knock) sensor
44 - 4 red flashes, 4 green flashes = no fault found (exec models only)

note. on occasion, two fault codes may be displayed, if one of the codes is 11 then check the disributo/crangle angle sensor first.

9. Turn the diagnosis mode selector fully counterclockwise and swith of engine.
10. After repair erase the codes and repeat above.

erasing the codes.
1. switch on the ignition, turn the diagnosis selector fully clockwise and keep it there for at least 2 seconds, then turn it counterclockwise and keep it there for at least 2 seconds, then switch off the ignition.

i hope this does the trick as im a slow typer and this took a while

smoker 31-03-2006 21:24

How do I find the ECU?

adzs12 31-03-2006 21:30

The ecu is located behind the plastic kick plate on the left of the passenger footwell, 4 plastic screws hold the plate on:)

smoker 31-03-2006 21:51

Cheers mate, off out now to see if i can find it!

adzs12 31-03-2006 21:57

Ha ha well if it aint there then somethings seriously wrong;)

marcusp88 18-02-2010 18:18

I've tried this and I am just getting the ECU's green and red LED's flashing together, not individually.

Does that mean there not faults.

The car does start but cut out after about a second :(

An help will be appriciated.

PukkaSilvia 18-02-2010 18:50

I had this once. It depends on if you have a mk1 or 2 ecu i found out. theres a different procedure with the screw i think for the mk2. il look it up this evening

PukkaSilvia 18-02-2010 19:00

see page 157 of the below pdf link

marcusp88 18-02-2010 20:32

No luck. Ive tried it that way and both LED's are still flashing together and not individualy :confused:

CamInHead 19-02-2010 12:47


Originally Posted by marcusp88 (Post 33343)
No luck. Ive tried it that way and both LED's are still flashing together and not individualy :confused:

My factory manual says both lights should illuminate and stay on so maybe either an ECU fault or power source fault ? It also says not to disconnect the battery as it would wipe any fault codes.

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