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kylepiggy 22-01-2008 21:48

IN CAR PC (There Is Alot OF Need)
hi guys still new on the site. im a bit of oa pc nerd just dont suit the profile as with all my peiercings and forever changing hairstyles and colour currently orvil green lol

any way i have a car pc in my capri at the moment but will be fitting it to my silvia if any 1 is interested i can build packages then you can fit it's not mega expensive looking from £250 second hand to £600 all new ie my setup was £800 last year and consitied of car pc motorised tuch screen 7 inch widscreen indash monitor gps bluetooth wireless (for stealing peeps internet lol) that had a range of around 500mtrs. a line drivers with 1 input 3 outputs. it converts the line out plug of a pc jack plug to 3 pre outs each with independent volume i run front rer and sub. advantages are i have 100gb hd with around 80000 albums loads of films lots and lots of porn lol. you dont scratch discs never jumps on hard bumps looks the muts nuts go on internet oh and free gps as long as you have a reciever we like free

let me no if your interested

s13eater 22-01-2008 22:00

i thought this was a seriuos s12 tuning site, porn is out there on porn sites if people want it, i know there is a s12 unrelated section, but porn is ok, its for people who want it and they already know where to find it, i should not image that people who come on hear don't come on for incar porn, if its come to this load of donkies bolloxs, then i'll stop the updates and input that i put in.japster and richk are the pc men on hear and they never subjected and try and shove porn down our throats.lets keep this site serious.

s13eater 22-01-2008 22:04

AND there is not alot of need , especially if you have enough power because you would not even hear your music playing,

30psi 22-01-2008 22:12

Never understood in car PC's either :confused: Just get an ipod plugged to your headunit if you want more than 10 songs.

Have to confess of course that ICE is not my strong point. I only have an AM radio in my car. Can't even stick a casette in the bastid.

The S12 radio was pretty good for its time though. That must have been a treat back in '84

kylepiggy 22-01-2008 23:34

each to there own at the end of the day maybe as im a pc freak i just like it in the car aswell im into sounds aswell and as for not hearing the sound over the engine i can certanly hear 150db of sounds running 12000 watts of power but here as i said each to their own. the only adantage i will gain by putting my car pc in the silvia once det is installed i can hock up OBD2 and run diagnostics and live mapping on the run which helps

s13eater 22-01-2008 23:55

150db, now will that be a proper song or those stupid sounds they play when they do the db sound offs, but no one can actually enjoy listening to bzzzzzzzzz buzz bzzzzzzzzzzzz can they, although there is an anoying prick who parks behind me when i pick the kids up from school, he plays all those base sounds, like theres a low flying aircraft going over,what a knob, they usualy buy cavaliers:rolleyes:

PukkaSilvia 22-01-2008 23:57

Id like to see some pictures. My friend Ritchie has a motorised screen that has a live gauge display and is connected to all the engine sensors and ecu, Im not sure what he used to do all that but thats smart.

I dont think i would use the internet much in my car.

sideways danny 23-01-2008 06:05


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia (Post 23320)
Id like to see some pictures. My friend Ritchie has a motorised screen that has a live gauge display and is connected to all the engine sensors and ecu, Im not sure what he used to do all that but thats smart.

I dont think i would use the internet much in my car.

sounds like a greddy E-01

Oscar 23-01-2008 15:26

why would u want all those screens and things......... the only car entertainment i have is, 1 speaker, 1 headunit, inlet temp sensor, voltmeter and a boost gauge!
dont even have a clock any more lol, i get in my car to drive it not to surf the net or watch porn lol

PukkaSilvia 23-01-2008 21:11

well i have a full aftermarket soundsystem etc. I love listening to music with clarity throughout the range. Its important to me,

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