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Andy 31-03-2006 21:06

Baily dump valve
Hi to all, need advise on dump valve fitted one to day i think it is a single piston, idles better but then wants to conkout then when driving on slowing down it goes to stalls please help!!



adzs12 31-03-2006 21:18

Do you have a picture of the dump valve as this sounds like the behavour of a diaphram type:confused: Either that or its knackered Or you have a vaccum leak somehwere.

Andy 31-03-2006 21:48

dump valve
not got pic at mo but its a baily motor sport has a piston with slots round the side with vac hose on top.

if thats any help


adzs12 31-03-2006 21:52

Sounds like a vaccum leak, where and how have you installed it? what have you teed the vacum line off for the dumpvalve?

Andy 31-03-2006 22:02

dump valve
tee off using samco just befor inlet throttle body/housing then vac hose to the side of inlet manifold that blanking nut which threaded in the side


adzs12 31-03-2006 22:34

Its hard to understand over a forum sometimes mate but my only advice is to check for vacum leaks as this is what it sounds like.

Make sure all your pipes are on tight and split free:)

Andy 31-03-2006 22:57

dump valve
I no its hard to get across but thanks for ur help any way


PukkaSilvia 01-04-2006 00:51

When the engine is at idle pop the bonnet and cover the dump valve outlets with your hand.If the idle speed picks up or you can feel air leaking then the dump valve is either unsuitable,faulty or needs adjusting?

Generally a dump valve with a plastic inner plate and spring is no good for an s12.

northerner 01-04-2006 08:34

Funny that as my Bailey has just started acting funny. At 70 I could not cruise and had to bury the throttle so I disconencted it and problem solved. Just wondering what type to go for next?

PukkaSilvia 01-04-2006 11:26

Adz had a great dump valve when he bought his car. It cost him 120 quid in 3 days doing local driving :D

Is the dump valve brand new?

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