S12OC UK Forum

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sideways_s12 30-08-2013 22:03

Anybody Around?
Forum seems a little slow. Hows everyone doing? Any big projects going on? Anyway thought I'd kick up some convo and see what the deal is...

caz4244@essex 31-08-2013 08:06

Where you moving to in the uk
It is slow in here thier is only 70 ish s12 in the country

Ned 31-08-2013 09:20

I check on here pretty much every day. Not many S12's left now :(

caz4244@essex 31-08-2013 09:50

Sad but true and it seem that not many are on the road or going to meets or shows
I have 2 one track bad boy and a 40k g plate modified coilovers all round 5 stud con
But not on the road money is going on new house but hooe next year to have her on wuth a fresh coat of paint

What's everyone else stories
The sxoc is very busy

I have lots of spares to sell then I can get the s12 on yhe riad quicker

Ned 31-08-2013 10:21

what spares you got?

caz4244@essex 31-08-2013 11:13

Loads mate I am in essex let me know whats bits

ae86-s12 31-08-2013 21:25

hi there, I have a d reg s12 that im drifting sort of a on going project as I'm using it. may have to keep you in mind if need any spares. I saw three s12 at japfest this year but yeah not something you see every day.

caz4244@essex 31-08-2013 21:30

Thats great news and nice work ive got a few drift guys that buy of ne went it goes wrong lol

sideways_s12 01-09-2013 02:49

I will be there in about 6 months time gotta sort some stuff out here and save some money so when we come over I can have some fun lol. I want to see everything and go everywhere and also want to buy a car as soon as we get there hopefully I can find an s12 to play with...

sideways_s12 01-09-2013 02:50

How is the drift scene there? Actually how is car scene in general? we have weekly meets here at a local restaurant where we kinda hang out in the parking lot and talk cars and other B.S.

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