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RichardK 02-11-2005 15:57

For your amusement...


PukkaSilvia 02-11-2005 16:04

pmsl. :ghey

30psi 02-11-2005 16:19

I really hate chavs in shite cars...

adzs12 02-11-2005 16:33

Pmsl pukka dont you have some of those lights that you knicked from a fast car magazine?:trout

FLEXXX 02-11-2005 17:05

finally an ad that speaks the truth lol

PukkaSilvia 02-11-2005 18:00


Originally Posted by adzs12
Pmsl pukka dont you have some of those lights that you knicked from a fast car magazine?:trout

Nah they wernt led nean washer jets they where just leds and no they were never fitted they are curently kicking around in the driveway amongst gravel.They will stay there/ I think you are the person on this site that should be the embarrased one..... I spy neon led washer jets lmao. and u wired them up before you realised u had to gut the wires again to take your bonnet off in a hurry.although i can sleep at night knowing that they were not rewired back up


Have your trout back matey mwahahahahahaha :trout

adzs12 02-11-2005 18:11


I was purely seeing how long the wires were:poke And i like the chrome look on the bonnett thats the only reason they are on there trout face:trout :1la

PukkaSilvia 02-11-2005 18:13

:D How long were the wires? were they to your satisfaction?

adzs12 02-11-2005 18:35

Just wanted to check that they are useable with the s12 so i could post about it in the how to section:D

Dr Silvia 03-11-2005 16:19

:D brought a smile to my flu-ridden face

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