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henrix 18-10-2006 22:10

White Instruments
anybody have white instruments in theyr S 12? or have a layout file on the computer? :)
I want White instruments:cool:
I'm sure someone else does too:P

Dr Silvia 19-10-2006 05:43

not come across any white dials yet:( just badly made aluminium dial surrounds i will have a look at the possibilities later this morning:cool:

henrix 19-10-2006 20:38

okey!:) thnx alot!:D

Dr Silvia 21-10-2006 02:20

ok gotta admit i forgot all about this till an hour or so ago:o

anyhow i've stripped a dash unit apart and got the dials out:cool:


the guages for boost/fuel and oil/water are simply two thin sheets of acrylic

however the speedo and tacho dial faces appear to be printed acrylic..
this means that witha rub down with fine wet n dry will leave you witha clear plastic plate which you can then have re-printed. The warning lamps are coloured by removable sheets of couloured acrylic.

im going to try an find someone who can print these up as im interested now i've got it all apart:D i think a signwriter will do the job.. fingers crossed...

adzs12 21-10-2006 02:24

Nice job hope they can do it:)

s13eater 21-10-2006 08:11

i'd be interested in a set ant.

s12Rob 21-10-2006 13:54

so would i

henrix 22-10-2006 12:14

but if you have a scanner on your computer you can scan it? I think I can do some white layouts in photoshop if you give me a scanned picture.. if I make a whole white layout, we can lay it on top of the old one and light it up with UV lights;) will look neat I think:)

Dr Silvia 22-10-2006 12:24

then itll be printed on paper and any lighting effect applied to it will become grainy. I do have a scanner but in the interestts of keeping the ciomputer simple its gone back in the cupboard for the time being.. i will see if it fits on the scanner bed later, for now its the morning after the night before:confused:

henrix 22-10-2006 12:51


Originally Posted by Dr Silvia
then itll be printed on paper and any lighting effect applied to it will become grainy. I do have a scanner but in the interestts of keeping the ciomputer simple its gone back in the cupboard for the time being.. i will see if it fits on the scanner bed later, for now its the morning after the night before:confused:

haha I see:P but if you print it on matt photo paper the results are pretty good..:)

Dr Silvia 22-10-2006 13:22

good point i hadnt considered the new papers you can use at home now as i dont have the technology for that myself.
is there any visible grain in the paper when you hold it up to the light?
also how much light penetrates from a low wattage bulb as found in the dashboard??

umpkin 22-10-2006 20:34

if you do scan it, would you mind putting a link on here so a few of us could try it with our own personal changes etc, cheers, looks like a great idea.

henrix 22-10-2006 21:23

the point of the UV light is that it only light up the white layout:) if you leave the numbers black it will not glow.. the UV light is placed in front of the white layout (not LEDs behind:)) therefor you dont need the light to penetrate:) sorry if my english is bad.. let me know if you dont understand. BTW if you bye a GOOD matt photopaper iy dont have any visible grinds:)

(the UV light I'm going to use is the same kind you will find in your "modded" computer:))

umpkin 22-10-2006 21:40

these could also be used, as they say they are for dash lighting


henrix 22-10-2006 21:42


Originally Posted by umpkin
these could also be used, as they say they are for dash lighting


yep:) but they will fit behind the instruments:)

I'm thinking more like this:)


RichardK 22-10-2006 21:55

Any good sign writer will do that for you if you provide the JPGs!

Dr Silvia 22-10-2006 22:02


those look more like blue led's to me.. uv reaction is purple...

henrix 22-10-2006 22:09


Originally Posted by Dr Silvia

those look more like blue led's to me.. uv reaction is purple...

I know:( it was the best I could find.. but too use a UV pipe if you know what I mean?:) hehe

btw that link didn't work:(

Dr Silvia 23-10-2006 20:59

the tacho and speedo fascia wont fit on my scanner in one go:( i'm going to have to re-download photoshop and see if i get lucky with it

fingers crossed:)

RichardK 23-10-2006 21:09


if you need it i can post you Photoshop 8 CS CD


Dr Silvia 23-10-2006 21:29

dude that sounds much better than killing my pc with dodgy software (again):)
just about to scan now when the computer stops messing about

RichardK 23-10-2006 21:33

pm me your address and ill send it in the morning at work :)

umpkin 23-10-2006 21:43

ive got a "copy" of adobe photoshop CS2 v9 full (tis what it says, i dont know tbh) with serial i can upload to you, will take about 1.5hrs at 30kps i think, totally up to you, but if richards is a legit copy, then you are better off with that.

RichardK 23-10-2006 21:45

yeah mine is a genuine COPY lol

as in, i don't own it, someone else does LOL

i cant mix "purchase" and "software" in one mouthful hehe

umpkin 23-10-2006 21:47


Dr Silvia 23-10-2006 23:00

they just dont go do they:D
i'll use rich's legit 'copy' as what you have is similar to what killed my pc when i did the manual:) i got trojanned:(

umpkin 24-10-2006 00:47

thats fair enuf m8, i have had this installed now for bout 4 months thou, without any probs.

if poss thou, could i have a copy of the scan unmolested, are you gonna scan it in high quality, i want to add my own personal touches to it.

if thats ok, either lob up a link to it on here, or pm if you rather, i can host it if you dont want other hammering your bandwidth.


ill pm you a link to my FTP, you can dump it directly onto my pc.

PukkaSilvia 24-10-2006 01:03

sounds like a nice little project. Quite interested to see if anything comes of it. The std dash could do with a re vamp. Id like one with blanked off rpm counter,boost guage,water temp and oil pressure as i dont use any of them due to the det and after market guages

umpkin 24-10-2006 06:23


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
Id like one with blanked off rpm counter,boost guage,water temp and oil pressure as i dont use any of them due to the det and after market guages


hope this helps

JackieFan 24-10-2006 10:16

I wouldn't mind a copy too if that's ok :D

RichardK 24-10-2006 13:24

me too, just out of pure 100% noseyness!

Ant - CD was posted out this morning :)

Dr Silvia 24-10-2006 22:40


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
sounds like a nice little project. Quite interested to see if anything comes of it. The std dash could do with a re vamp. Id like one with blanked off rpm counter,boost guage,water temp and oil pressure as i dont use any of them due to the det and after market guages

why not just take it all out and put you own guages in then wouldnt be too dificult:D come an have a butchers at the dash i took apart

Nice one rich:)im debating to go higher resolution now and leave the computer to do it overnight

Dr Silvia 24-10-2006 22:44


Originally Posted by umpkin
thats fair enuf m8, i have had this installed now for bout 4 months thou, without any probs.

if poss thou, could i have a copy of the scan unmolested, are you gonna scan it in high quality, i want to add my own personal touches to it.

if thats ok, either lob up a link to it on here, or pm if you rather, i can host it if you dont want other hammering your bandwidth.


ill pm you a link to my FTP, you can dump it directly onto my pc.

i've tried uploading disgustingly big files before.
It doesnt work:( send your views on this matter to [email protected]

just read your pm umpkin the same goes for emails im afraid.. 30mb seems to be the limit

umpkin 25-10-2006 00:28

O M G how big are the files then??? what res you doing them in, obviously higher the better, i guess if you dont mind, ill paypal you some money to put them on CD and mail them if poss, cant think of any other way of doing it.

do you have upload limits then?? never had a prob using that FTP server from other peoples for uploading.

pm me your paypal addy if you can do this (and dont mind).


Dr Silvia 25-10-2006 18:28

atm theyre 500 mb each and thats at 1200 dpi as i might have already said...
i can easily go upto 4800 dpi though:eek: which i'd rather do, problem is that leaves me with an image occupying gigabytes of space... this of course is a problem with only 769mb ram.. im getting tempted to hand it over to the signwriter but want to get finished templates to them myself.. my computers being an absolute sod at the moment, somethings gotten into it again:( going to do a complete reinstall if it goes wrong again tonight, then i'll have the space and virtual memory to complete this gargantuan task:)

tbh i think itll be beyond a cd too unless you want some dropped resolution files, i dont have a dvd writer so thats out the window for now im afraid...

on the note of FTP that's because its nothing to do with ur computer or isp, its mine thats the problem... i've been through all the settings of my pc and theres nothing that'd cause any problems, the only thing left is the accursed tiscali!!

I got the cd this morning rich, thanks! Nice artwork, did you do that in photoshop?:D

henrix 25-10-2006 19:17

I found out after making som mesurements that we have to use A3 photopapir:) the panel will not fit on a A4 paper:( that's a bugger.. I'm happy we have a A3 photo printer at my school:) hehe

umpkin 25-10-2006 19:37

1200 dpi would be enuf surly???? thats almost photo quality.

if you wouldnt mind i would have a copy on cd of the 1200dpi ones, i personally am not gonna notice that once behind the glass on my dash.

i can paypal you whatever you want for cd and your troubles, postage should be about 65p on a cd.

if you scan it at 2400dpi you will struggle to fit them on a DVD !!!!!:eek:

let me know

Dr Silvia 25-10-2006 19:42

the current plan is to end up with an outline of the nescessary bits as opposed to a full colour piece so a different style can be easy to achieve, also to facilitate internet transfer:) hopefully this will make them managable. as for 1200 dpi being fine, yes it might well be, but i'm a perfectionist if i can be=D bear with me.. this may take a few days to do yet

umpkin 25-10-2006 20:36

ok np m8, i am too, i was just thinking mainly bout the size of the pics, and transfer, i personally would prefer to start with the original scans, as the outlines may not suit once i learn how to use photoshop and paint shop pro X lol.

but as your doing us the favour and putting in the time, ill take whatever you are happy with.

this is a top idea, and if made right, could be the nice addons we want to keep the s12 up to date, as so to speak.

Dr Silvia 25-10-2006 20:49

well the only important thing is the positioning of everything, the colour different shapes and fonts can be applied easily enough from that, it'd be more work to remover the original colours each time i think:)

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