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-   -   Frees s12oc car Sticker Sample (http://nissansilvia.co.uk//showthread.php?t=1325)

PukkaSilvia 04-11-2006 15:02

Free s12oc car Sticker Sample
First 15 requests will get them posted during next week.

They are the usual car window url size at around 30cm.

i have 2 sample 50cm ones as well.

Both are in gloss white text or Gloss Black. Whites are limited so Black will be sent by default or if whites have run out

Pm me your Address after your post reqwest and i can get one out to you


This offer is Available to UK members and Affiliate Admin Only

datdrift 04-11-2006 15:36

yes please:) not bothered what colour....

s13eater 04-11-2006 16:16

i'll av some jon

JackieFan 04-11-2006 17:08

I'll take some, Black's good for me :D

rob turbo 04-11-2006 17:54

i'll take some. black is good, or any that are going..


westside27375 04-11-2006 19:34

I'm in. Gloss White please. ;)

Magoo 04-11-2006 20:57

Yes please, anything to promote the club, keep up the good work.

P.S. nearly collected all the go faster goodies for my silvia can't wait to get stuck in and show u guys the car

indecisive 05-11-2006 02:47

I'd love a white one Jon.

bigtim 05-11-2006 03:25

:) :)

Draconis 05-11-2006 12:25

White would be awesome... 2 maybe of the smaller type? I'll pay shipping too.

PukkaSilvia 05-11-2006 15:00

PM'S received. Il get them out in the Post Monday :)

jakezx 05-11-2006 18:46

you still got any left is i will have one please

Unity 05-11-2006 19:24

wanna wanna wanna
can i please get one please please pretty please. my b/f does drifting in his and the car looks fantastic and think one of these would just finish her off lovely :D

PukkaSilvia 05-11-2006 23:21

Yes No problem Private message me your address's

s12-FEVER 06-11-2006 10:09

PM sent. :)

jakezx 06-11-2006 19:11

did you get my pm thanks

steven jacklin 07-11-2006 09:43

any chance i could get a sticker my s12 is black it would look well on my knight rider clone

PukkaSilvia 07-11-2006 12:02

Yep. All done. Im off to the post office in an hour

rpettafor 07-11-2006 21:14

can i have one please!! yhpm

FLEXXX 08-11-2006 17:00

if you have any left can i also have a pair any colour il pm you my address cheers

PukkaSilvia 13-11-2006 11:51

Has anyone recieved them yet out of the first postage batch ?

JackieFan 13-11-2006 12:02

Yeah, got mine! Thanks for that :D

indecisive 13-11-2006 23:25

I got mine too.

I'll send yours out this week

PukkaSilvia 13-11-2006 23:29


Originally Posted by indecisive
I got mine too.

I'll send yours out this week

Excellent I thought the airmail would take longer than that :cool:

Abunai S-12 Drifter 13-11-2006 23:59

I like'em. Any idea on how much they'll cost & when you'll have more in stock?

jakezx 14-11-2006 19:09

thanks for mine came in time for when car came back on the road

FLEXXX 15-11-2006 16:47

have not recieved my ones yet

nots13 16-11-2006 15:30

have you got any left?

PukkaSilvia 16-11-2006 19:11

thats as i havnt posted a second batch flexx. I have about 5 left which 3 of them are the bigger ones. Im waiting for the full batch to be sorted out then there will be more. These were just samples i was given free so i passed them on free :)

If you want a large sticker i can get you both out one of them?

doski 16-11-2006 22:34

i will take any that are left :)

nots13 17-11-2006 11:34

yes please. whichever are going.;)

FLEXXX 18-11-2006 14:31


Originally Posted by Pukkasilvia
thats as i havnt posted a second batch flexx. I have about 5 left which 3 of them are the bigger ones. Im waiting for the full batch to be sorted out then there will be more. These were just samples i was given free so i passed them on free :)

If you want a large sticker i can get you both out one of them?

no probs mate how big are the larger ones

ollymk1escort 19-11-2006 10:27

Can i get a big white one.:)

datdrift 20-11-2006 18:45

did you post one out to me as i havent receved anything:confused:

PukkaSilvia 20-11-2006 19:37


Originally Posted by datdrift
did you post one out to me as i havent receved anything:confused:

Grim, I did post one,Il post you another when i get around to posting the next batch, Im really busy with work at the moment.

adzs12 21-11-2006 00:19

Wheres my stickers, wheres my stickers, wheres my stickers:D ;)

PukkaSilvia 21-11-2006 00:20

up your bum:trout ;)

adzs12 21-11-2006 00:21

i expect you to bring them when i see you tomorow, hope there nice and crisp:)

datdrift 06-12-2006 18:27

rcvd one today thanks:)

PukkaSilvia 06-12-2006 20:53

Who posted that then:confused: i havnt posted any since the first batch. although i had a few in envelopes waiting for stamps in my car:confused: :confused: :confused:

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