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PukkaSilvia 16-11-2006 19:59

Events 2007
What events do we want to have a stand at next year?

Id like 2007 to sport a new s12oc hardcore 'uk weatherproof' Gazebo and bbq. I think the current Gazebo just isnt going to be able to stand up to any more gailforce winds after Jae, Actually it may have trouble standing up at all now.

If anyone has any gazebo links and contacts Put them up here for discussion please.

I would like to attend Modified Nationals again if they are offering the cheap track time again but am open to a completely different season if it comes to it.

PukkaSilvia 26-12-2006 19:57

Well i had a letter through about Mod nationals 2007 and its not at rockingham ciruit,its at peterborough like jae. So s12oc wont be going to this one as there nothing there for us except tits i suppose.
What other events offer track time as well as it being a show in 2007? Due to distance issues 2 day weekend events are prefered

rob turbo 26-12-2006 20:17

when is the JAE for 2007... any dates...

s13eater 26-12-2006 20:45

i don't see why all us dedicated s12 owners could'nt throw some wonga in for a new gazebo, if we where members of the ntoc, then that would be £13 a year membership, we get the site for free thanks to rich and jon in the past,so what a few quid out of our pockets, i ask you, are we dedicated s12 owners or not ? what about a weekend at santa pod, watchin drag racing and some events have run what ya brung, or for you twockers out there, run what ya rung.;)

adzs12 26-12-2006 22:59

I think thats a great idea mr s13eater then i can show kimblebean how to do a quarter mile in 12 seconds;)

PukkaSilvia 27-12-2006 11:31

I would be happy to take my car to Santa pod. Me and Adz have already talked about having a go against each other down there :).

The Gazebo idea is great.I have had a look on ebay for some and there is a few. Our next one needs to be heavier duty with stronger steel tubes and thick waterproof sides.If anyone finds any that look suitable post them up.Theres a few on ebay that could fit cars in aswell :p

slimreaper 16-01-2007 23:29

Anyone had any more thoughts on events this year?? I think japfest would be good, I haven't found any confirmed dates yet but probably May some time like last year. And you get cheap track time:D

PukkaSilvia 17-01-2007 02:13

I would like to go to Japfest. There is a thread about it.


slimreaper 17-01-2007 07:15

it was quite good last year and the track sessions are only 25 quid if i remember rightly. also found a few other events last night that might be worth thinking about.
PTMshow, 5/6 june, the pod, http://www.ptmshow.co.uk
Japshow, 23/24 July, the pod, http://www.japshow.co.uk
JTS, 3rd june, silverstone http://www.japanesetuningshow.co.uk
JAE, 20-22 july, Peterborough,

PukkaSilvia 28-01-2007 19:09

They all seam good. Excellent finds
Im happy to go to any or all of them

Anyone else?

bloodybigtrukkin 18-03-2007 22:50

RWYB stratford upon avon
Check this link out for the JAP weekend.
Went there last year with Japster, good setup with plenty of access onto the strip (no 3 hour waiting ala Santa pod).
plus pretty central to the whole country.

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