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JamesS12 20-11-2006 02:29

Spark Plugs
Im sure this cant be a difficult question to answer but excuse my ignorance...

Am I right in thinking if I get a set of plugs for an CA18DET theyre the same as a silvia??


adzs12 20-11-2006 02:38

Just go to your local halfords or motor factors and get "ngk bcpr7es" and regap them to 0.9mm :)

JamesS12 20-11-2006 02:41

what ya mean by regap them mate? Nice to see someone else up at such a sensible time :)

adzs12 20-11-2006 02:47

lol i know insomnia maybe:eek:

Use a feeler gauge and make the gap on the plug 0.9mm instead of the 0.7mm that they come in:)

JamesS12 20-11-2006 02:51

nitemare, its always good to have an ex-mechanic best friend who keeps a huge snap-on tool box across the road from your house for these occasions! lol

Cheers for your help mate

adzs12 20-11-2006 02:52

cant you sleep coz youve had a nightmare lol;)

JamesS12 20-11-2006 03:37


Originally Posted by adzs12
cant you sleep coz youve had a nightmare lol;)

Shhhh, dont tell anyone!

adzs12 20-11-2006 03:51


Originally Posted by JamesS12
Shhhh, dont tell anyone!

Haha dont tell me, you was being chased down the road by a giant spark plug:eek:

30psi 20-11-2006 08:14

There are 2 possible plugs.

BCPR7ES come pretty close to 0.9mm.

There is also the BCPR7ES-11 with is pregapped to 1.1mm.

adzs12 20-11-2006 10:47


Originally Posted by 30psi

BCPR7ES come pretty close to 0.9mm.

Yeah 0.7mm as i said:rolleyes:

30psi 20-11-2006 10:52

Only clarified the above because you dont want people opening the 1.1mm gap further.

PukkaSilvia 20-11-2006 19:39

lol. Next thread would be

misfire problem on boost :p

JamesS12 21-11-2006 17:03

Basically I only asked the question because i was thinking of getting a set of iridium plugs for an s13! Dont know if this changes matters?? :confused:

Conkers 30-03-2007 10:57

The bcpr7es plugs.. is that for the 4 plugged ca18et engines?
Mine has the 8 spark plug ca18et and standard the plugs should be 5 on the exhaust side and 6 (heat range) on the inlet side... anybody know how this twin plug set-up works and the purpose...
Maybe I should just run 7's on both sides.... any ideas?


30psi 30-03-2007 11:06

Yeah, run 7's all round.

The 4 plug setup is only geared towards emissions, where by both plugs only fire together up to a low rpm like 3,000rpm, then it switches to just using the inlet spark plug.

Conkers 30-03-2007 11:07

Thanks mate... so you reckon she'll run ok with 7's all round.... I'll get 8 of those on my way to the workshop later then....



edited in:
Was just trying to figure out why they run a softer plug on the ewxhaust side, but it must be as these shut down at 3000rpm and could therefore duff up if there is a tendency for that sort of thing.... probably not helped by the turbo intermittantly smoking on idle from time to time, but not all the time.... Think James Bond.....

But back to plugs... so all 8 run up to 3000rpm for emissions... and then only the inlet side after that... correct????

CNHSS1 30-03-2007 11:08

the second set (exh side) were to burnt off any unburnt fuel for use when the vehicles were fitted with catalysers, it was for emissions rather than performance (unlike the Alfa twin spark engines). when i had a car with the 8 plug ET setup, i went colder on both (from 5s and 6s to 6s and 7s) when i turned the boost up.

30psi 30-03-2007 11:12

I'd say go for 7's on the exhaust. Being near the exhaust valve and prone to more heat than standard, if they're coked up this will glow red leading to pre-igntion.

Conkers 01-04-2007 08:59

I changed them to 7's all round and she runs fine... ish!.. actually the electrodes were completely missing on some of the plugs, possibly due to fuel surge whilst doing donuts and the engine going lean.... did a compression test and #4 is down a tad... so as we had planned on tuning anyway, I'll pull the head, port it and sort it... but thanks for the advice... 7's all round made it run fine... top tip.


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