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30psi 04-12-2006 11:10

What do ya do for a living?
Was just wondering what sort of people drive S12's these days... Not that I drive one anymore.

Anyway, throughout my S12 life I've been doing accountancy.

My mate Ian who aint on the board, has an 84 S12 was employed by the council to do office work, but is looking to change.

My other mate Dan with an 85 S12 is a car valeter.

So what ya do peeps?

JackieFan 04-12-2006 11:50

I'm an IT Consultant for a company based in Surrey......and all round good egg of course! ;)

Wagsie 04-12-2006 12:10

I'm a Drayman :) <<< thinking google will be used to find out what that is?

s13eater 04-12-2006 13:43

beer springs to mind, without looking on google.

CNHSS1 04-12-2006 14:52

Office equipment dealer, from Tippex to furniture, office design and installations based in west midlands but customers nationally

FLEXXX 04-12-2006 16:11

im a full time jap street racer/ jap nutter/spead freak and and in my spare time i work for a warehouse as a driver/all rounder but currently looking for a job as i nee a full time position so i can get the beast back on the santa pod scene :D

Maximilian 04-12-2006 17:46

Trying out different ways of doing nothing most of the time, it's not as easy as it looks! :eek:
Just got off a job where i built recycling machines though..

doski 04-12-2006 18:52

yea im a overhead linesmans for the manx electricity authority on the isle of man :D

rpettafor 04-12-2006 23:00

i work in construction as an engineer

gripo 05-12-2006 12:31

Im a Physical Education teacher in a middle school. Used to be a full time athlete and ran in the european circuit.
Dynamo dug digby eat your heart out!

wacomuk 05-12-2006 17:12

i am a full time adult film star or porno star which ever you like, i do this through the week but at weekends i do male lap dancing, the club is packed out with woman every weekend cha ching!!

andy s12 05-12-2006 19:55

i was doing groundworks for about two and a half years but went back to collage to do brickwork . so im a student at the moment.:1la

Dez 06-12-2006 03:36

I'm an apprentice Motor Mechanic, nearly finished the course now tho:)

nots13 06-12-2006 10:19

Royal Air Force Electrical Engineer:rolleyes: sure beats having to work for a living!!!:D

Sharas 06-12-2006 14:06

Still a student, and working part time answering phone calls :D

umpkin 06-12-2006 18:00

since my last job change a few months ago, i am a welder still, in an engineering company, i make gates, and railings and various similar things for central and east london counsils. mostly one off jobs where some looon has driven into the gates and bent them up :/

jakezx 06-12-2006 18:52

i am a plasterer and have bin the last two years befor that was an apprentice bricky but never really took off got offered job plastering and enjoy my job. genrally worked on building sites since left school never bin unemployed would like to give it a go but can not live with out money and porn star sounds a good but hard job lol

PukkaSilvia 06-12-2006 19:32

I do race car preparation.in a months time this will include Formula 1:D . We have a few cars to look at in the next month before a particular one is bought..... All good fun:)

FLEXXX 07-12-2006 16:17

ive just got a new job which i start this weekend i will now be working in a snooker/pool club this now means that hopefully after clearing up some bills i will be able to start my s12 project :D

30psi 08-12-2006 11:11

Wahoo! I moved job 5 months ago, got approached by an old customer last week, 2 interviews later got a better job with more money, big pension and much more holiday :D

Its just occurred to me that I am now earning 4 times the amount I was 7 years ago :eek:

PukkaSilvia 08-12-2006 20:08

Congrats...... You must be planning on moving out soon?. Is your new job going to still be in London?

adzs12 10-12-2006 00:25


Originally Posted by FLEXXX
ive just got a new job which i start this weekend i will now be working in a snooker/pool club this now means that hopefully after clearing up some bills i will be able to start my s12 project :D

Now you can buy a beard trimmer:D ;)

30psi 10-12-2006 13:06

I could have moved out ages ago, but I dont want to rent. Id rather mortgage. Prices are very expensive where I live now, so its not been possible to buy without moving even further away from london, but should be able to find something decent enough. Got a few other expensive hobbies at the moment so not thinking about doing for about a year anyway.

Excite 11-12-2006 14:29

sound tech for big shows and famous ppl

FLEXXX 11-12-2006 14:46


Originally Posted by adzs12
Now you can buy a beard trimmer:D ;)

lol :D :D

nissan_turbs 19-12-2006 14:01


Originally Posted by 30psi
Got a few other expensive hobbies at the moment

I thought you only needed Smarties and other assorted sweeties to attract little kiddies:confused:


30psi 19-12-2006 14:20

You should see a psychologist.

There is great evidence and knowledge of what is known as 'joking in jest', where by the studies have shown that the sub conscious mind will try to make a reverse reference to something which is known not to be acceptable within either the general society or their local society. The reason for this is where the self conscious mind will try to show negative nature towards these 'secrets'. It is known as a form of mental self defence. A normal example of this would be the situation of a gay person (afraid of the feedback they would receive from society) will try to hide this in an over positive method, ie making homophobic comments, sometimes even completely random, where no previous such comment or opening to the subject was made.

Now this is where I get to my point.

In the example above, a psychologist would actually assume that your sub conscious mind is trying to cover up recent thoughts its had about children in an over positive self defending way. Hence the complete random comment you made about 'attracting little kiddies'.

Just food for thought....

s13eater 19-12-2006 14:43

martin your a psychologist now, i thought you where an accountant lol.we could get some expert advise from my bruv as he is one of the top psychologists at the northern general hospital at sheffield, maybe we could book nissan-turbs in for a review lol.:D

30psi 19-12-2006 14:45

Not had much to do with it to be honest, but I think your brother is the best man for the job :D

s13eater 19-12-2006 14:47

if you type in on google mart, russell ashmore you should be able to find some of his work.;)

s13eater 19-12-2006 14:52

pete rosenburg, never did very well as a perv, being jewish, he used to say , don't eat all me sweets.;)

nissan_turbs 21-12-2006 00:18


Originally Posted by 30psi
Loads of shit

I notice you didnt deny it. And by implying that im a dirty perv because I called you one, must mean your using a more long winded version of the bullet proof, playground "it takes one to know one" come back.


30psi 23-12-2006 19:05

Actually no it takes a qualified psycologist to come up with those conclusions. Ring up Shauns brother he'll tell ya :1la

Conkers 15-02-2007 11:18


Right, so now that is said and done.....

I did college as a car mechanic, worked with porting cylinder heads for 7 years (full time) and building competition engines and cars, then worked on the WRC with Ford, was chief instructor at a racing school in the USA, got sick of motorsport and studied again, spent the last 5 years working in the aerospace industry as a Jet engine designer. Still running my motorsport business as a sideline, born in the UK, living in sweden, 2 kids, 1 dog, 3 cats(not mine) and a totally hot swedish girlfriend/partner/bestfriend.

Conkers <--- I don't like bragging, so I won't mention it again

James H 15-02-2007 17:04

Looks like im the only Chef on here!

RichardK 15-02-2007 22:19


Originally Posted by s13eater
pete rosenburg, never did very well as a perv, being jewish, he used to say , don't eat all me sweets.;)

In my country we throw Jew down the well.

I'm making a career of working on my S12 as I seem to do that more than my actual job.

Whilst we're on the subject of all this, and it's the topic of the thread, my S12 pennies come from owning a computer company in Kidderminster. Have done for 10 years now.

In theory I would have lots of money. In reality, we all know that there's no such thing as a wealthy S12 driver.

Hence I'm broke. God damn it.

But hey, I live in a caravan to fund the car I've always wanted to create...


Japster 16-02-2007 13:46

IT Support - Not glamorous, but hey, it pays for mods! :D

kennyboy 16-02-2007 21:49

I answer calls all day for that wonderful mobile phone company that is Orange , Fooking love it, not ...,:D :D Oh yeh and modifying anything i can get my grubby mits on. lol

Wocketfast 17-02-2007 23:05

IT support also. And its definatly not glamorous or exciting, but it does pay the bills.

124 18-02-2007 17:04

Full time student doing a degree in road and race car technology. Hopefully it will lead somewhere good but only time will tell i guess.

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